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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • While tripping on a large dose of LSD, I decided to practice with my new and incredibly sharp wood chisels on a block of pine.

    Amazingly I didn’t cut myself at all.

    My friend found a stop motion animated clay Don Quixote, where the clay work was rough and you could see thumbprints. It was the perfect vibe for tripping and carving, the gouges I was making in the wood looked like the clay, and bit by bit I made that block into a volcano.

    In order to do that I kept twisting my right arm (I’m left handed) clockwise, and when I came down from the hallucinogens, the nerves in my arm went dead. Hand just slid off the keyboard.

    It was fine twenty minutes later. And that’s my story, the best acid trip I ever had. Worked through my obsessions a bit and let go of them.

    In the following weeks I asked three women out and got shot down each time instead of thinking about doing so for a month and being a creep.

  • That isn’t the type of behavior that I think most find annoying but I’m sorry that you get that reaction at all.

    I think many people are so annoyed with feeling they are attacked for eating meat (and I do eat meat) that when that button gets pressed the anger just rises up.

    For me I get a little true guilt. I know I’m not helping in the best possible ways that I can, all the time. I’m not perfect and won’t ever pretend that I am, and I also haven’t given up on getting better. When I go a day without eating meat, I congratulate myself. With a burger. (No, not really.)

  • Get to know the people you work with and learn who you can bounce ideas off of.

    Once you have a couple of work friends you can more easily figure out what those around you think of you.

    I was in school while working (in my 40s no less) and as part of my classes I was asked to poll my coworkers about my strengths and weaknesses.

    I learned that I was liked, valued, and that it was noticed when I was out sick, which was often.

    It really helped me as I just assumed nobody really noticed me at all.

    Chances are that you are the one judging yourself.

    Also, be the one who speaks up in meetings. It helps give others permission to speak up as well.

  • Burnout, stress, depression, overwhelmed, any number of things could be going on.

    Talk to your professors and an advisor, see what resources they have for you.

    But also understand this says NOTHING bad about you, and in fact recognizing you are struggling and need help is a good sign.