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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024


  • I agree they’re not, but Rittenhouse wasn’t in a shootout with cops. There have been some situations where white people either got killed by cops in fucky situations or killed cops in fucky situations. I highly doubt any of the gun rights groups touch those.

    I can’t remember their names (I know) but one was an older defense contractor. A crackhead stole his truck, got popped, then claimed the drugs in the truck were the truck owner’s. Pigs being pigs, they raid the old man and shoot him dead.

    Another one was a guy who was ratted on by a CI. Another raid happens and a cop kicks out his lower door panel and gets killed by the home owner.

    These are both 10 or 15+ years ago. I’ll try hunting them down. I’m sure Reason has them archived.

  • The only members I know that support them can also explain 4H to me. They’re heavy into the training side and own cows.

    I don’t think any have. I’m not sure any bother going against cops - regardless of the situation. They have nothing to gain by going after pigs.

    Same with Biden. Some (hopefully) might support eliminating those idiotic laws, but they can only lose on that. It’d be actively harmful considering the pure ignorance that flows out of his father’s mouth when he talks about firearms.

    We need a prominent pro-self defense rights group that’s anti-cop and not specifically conservative. Granted, starting one sounds like a good way to starve.