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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m a millennial, and I will abandon my basket 99% of the time when there’s not a staffed cashier lane available, especially if I’m trying to buy more than 2 items.

    I actually tried to use the self-checkout at the airport recently when I was buying a single bottle of water, and the cashier jumped in almost immediately to assist anyway. I forget exactly what happened, but it was definitely overly complicated compared to the staffed checkout that I used at the same shop the previous time I flew through that airport.

  • Whenever I fall out of my exercise routine, I rebuild it in small chunks. At my peak, I was waking up at 4a, walking to the gym, doing 60+ minutes of weight lifting, 30+ minutes of cardio, then walking back home.

    So, when I’m starting from zero again, my first goal is just to walk to the gym and back each day. I don’t even go in, I just force myself to get up (probably not quite as early), and go through the motions of walking there and back.
    Once I have that down, I start trying to get myself up a little earlier so that I can go in the gym and actually do something. That something should initially still be something easy, so it might just be walking on the treadmill for 15 minutes before heading back home. Every day/week, I try to increase the duration/intensity until I get back to my ideal routine.
    Some days I have a serious case of the "I don’t wanna"s, and on those days, I tell myself that I just need to walk there, and if once I’m there I still want nothing to do with it, I can leave, but I usually end up staying for most to all of my typical routine.

    I find that setting myself small, incremental goals is way more effective than setting one big goal, because with one big goal, if I can’t do the whole thing, then I failed, so why do anything at all?

    Once I get into the routine, I find that it really helps me in so many ways, and definitely helps my ADHD. I really like morning workouts, but my friend does much better with evening workouts. Try different times of day to see what works best for you.

  • Definitely the most low tech solution, but I could imagine reasons why it might not be a good solution. Sharing the bed with another human seems like a pretty valid argument against this style.

    As a random tangent, I’m signed up for Google Opinion Rewards, and I got a survey today that was asking me about my search for this. Some of the questions were so awkward to answer because I was like, “I was just trying to help an internet homie on lemny solve their troubles, I don’t know!”

  • While I definitely lean towards not letting cats roam free (not even possible in our current living situation), I’d say that FeLV and FIP scare me way more than FIV. FIV+ cats can live relatively normal, long lives when living in safe, caring homes with some very basic precautions

    FIV is primarily transmitted via saliva in deep bite wounds when one cat bites another, and the majority of those bites occur when an intact male cat bites another intact male cat, so if your cats are spayed/neutered, the risk of contracting FIV drops significantly. With proper slow introductions between altered cats, FIV+ and FIV- cats can live together with minimal risk of transmission.

    I only mention this because there’s so many FIV+ cats that get stuck in the shelters due to stigma, and wish I could save them all.

  • I let my cats sniff almost everything, and they usually walk away. For example, today I let them sniff some both raw chicken that I was preparing for my own dinner, and both gave it a few good sniffs before walking away. Most recently, I discovered that my youngest enjoys peanut butter! I believe it was the same cat who has also tried to eat my dried mango on multiple occasions. It was either my oldest or a friend’s cat who repeatedly took me up on the offer of banana chips.

  • Yeah, it’s been super awesome, and I’ve never run into any shortages. I’m with Kaiser and they really push their patients to use their pharmacy, so I have a suspicion that’s not the case for you. I’ve heard that many insurance companies have a preferred mail order pharmacy, so you might want to dig around with your insurance company to see if they have a preferred partner. If that doesn’t work out, searching “mail order adderall” seems to turn up some possibilities, but I can’t vouch for any of them. Your prescribing doctor may also have suggestions.

  • So, there was this one time, back when I was in college (and very medicated), that I had a big research paper due, and I had a great idea: what if I get started “early” for once so that I’m not scrambling at the very last minute to finish? I’ll even have some time to proofread it and relax once I’m done, and it will be so nice to enjoy some downtime without the anxiety of the looming deadline!

    I legitimately got started on it “early” and was reasonably focused. Most of my attention was directed towards the assignment, not cleaning my toilet or scrolling on Reddit. But guess what? I still wound up scrambling at the very last minute to finish and didn’t get to enjoy any of the supposed perks of starting early.

    I think what happened was that since I had “so much time”, I got lost in the research portion of the assignment and really struggled to make much progress on the writing portion until that wave of adrenaline hit.

    I realize this is just an anecdote, but that whole experience has made it even more difficult to try and get anything done early. I feel like if I start early, I’m not going to also finish early, instead I’m just going to spend more time on the task, so why bother?

  • Hahaha. I guess I might have some unreasonably high expectations of myself. Most of mine tasted okay and looked much better than his. I did 3 batches of batter, and for each batch of batter, I had at least 3 trays of cookies, so I tried different cooking times/temperatures. While some of my issues were more along the lines of appearances (lumpy, browning, cracking), the bigger issue was with cookies being too dry/crumbly or too chewy/tough. It was almost a year ago, so my memory is a bit hazy now, but I might still give it another shot when I have access to a good kitchen again.