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Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Try going door to door convincing people or something or just stop fucking complaining all the time holy shit.

    Are you the one guy who tries to walk up to corporate front desks with a resume and firm handshake, loudly asks for a job, only to realize how out of touch you are 3 after the receptionist tells you applications are all online now?

  • This is part of the problem of our current political climate. I don’t know how you can constitute ‘not bullying’ as ‘accepting them’, but the complete lack of nuance in every conversation is what drives radicalization.

    You can’t ‘bully’ transphobes into being an ally. That’s not how people work.

    I get it. Transphobes are pieces of shit with the most punchable faces. But when you find yourself staring down into one, you need to ask yourself if you are going say what feels good and right to you, or what will make them just a little less transphobic to the next trans person they meet.

    Deradicalization doesn’t happen overnight. It may take transphobes a hundred, ten, or even just one trans person to show them undeserved kindness before they realize they were wrong.

    I’m not saying it’s anyone’s job to do this. I’m saying that sometimes, maybe a trans person or an ally may be having a good day and find it in themselves to deal with transphobic bullshit just to show transphobes that they are the better person. If they do, I’m saying that we shouldn’t ruin all the progress and emotional labor they’ve invested in by bullying the transphobe.

  • I think you are confusing the concept of minimum wage with the glass floor. These are not the same things.

    That reddit post is a charitable interpretation, but if it’s what you are saying, then first comment summarizes it best with ‘state mandated friendships’. In which case, I would argue that isn’t going to solve crime. Let’s take the US which has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world as an example. People aren’t becoming criminals just because they don’t have friends, they become criminals because of a lack of social safety nets such as universal healthcare, accessible housing, homeless shelters, livable wages, public transit, progressive taxes, affordable childcare, drug addiction treatment safe spaces. They are also pushed into being criminalized by for profit prisons, the war on drugs, lack of gun control, police brutality, redlining and racism.

    There is so much more than that the lack of friendships that goes into why people become criminals. We need to stop looking at it as just a matter of moral failure of individuals, and start looking at the systemic reasons to why people commit crimes.

  • Something can have historical significance and also be rampantly commercialized at the same time. These are not mutually exclusive things.

    Imagine yourself as a historian from a 1000 years from now. When you look back at the coca cola bottles, the Walmart signs, the oversized trucks all unearthed from the forgotten sands of time, you won’t see it and say ‘there is no culture or historical significance to be found here’. Instead, you will contemplate on what crises this century was going through that turned so many to overconsumption and yet still feel dead on the inside.

    Your so called ‘lack of culture’ in holidays that are filled with superficial excuses from corporations to spend is history and culture in the making. This isn’t an assessment on whether this is good or bad, this is history regardless of what you may think of it. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you realize that maybe Americans are not the homogeneous entity you thought it was. Maybe when you look beyond the glamorous decorations and lavish spending, you will see there are families struggling to feed their 5 five kids and yet still do their best to bring the holiday spirit to the table.

    I’m not an American, so I don’t have any stakes in this. I’ve lived in 5 countries, USA included, and I’m tired of people abroad complaining about the lack of culture in the US while gleefully importing American movies, music, franchises, movies, holidays, spending habits, slangs, etc. You can’t have it both ways. Either the US doesn’t have culture, or it does and it’s being exported. Pick one.

  • Rachelhazideas@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThanks brain.
    11 months ago

    Christ you sound like an insufferable 10 year old with your ‘facts don’t care’. If you had actually read what you linked, you would have read the part where it specifies that the brain is what perceives pain even if it itself does not contain nociceptors. Claiming that the brain ‘does not feel pain’ is nothing more than semantic click bait.

    As someone having lived years with unending pain and central sensitization, I find it hilarious someone telling me my brain ‘does not feel pain because it literally can’t’. Oh what I would give to be this healthy and naive again.