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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • What exactly do you mean with identity politics in the game? Why do you even bring it up on the forums? Is the game letting you select pronouns? Do you pick a body instead of “sex” in the character selection screen? Are you forced to undergo gender reassignment surgery upon logging into the game?

    Also, gender does not mean sexuality. They are 2 separate things.

    I am not trans. I am not LGBT. I’m an ally but i have never had any issues with LGBT people. Never ever have i felt like anything is “shoved down my throat”, forced or whatever on me. Never have they ever even had a big conversation about it with me. The ONLY thing we talked about was when i meet someone and they tell me their pronouns. He, she, they or whatever else they want. Then i respond with “okay cool” and thats the end of it.

    I really don’t understand why you feel like its the only thing we talk about? The right brings it up 24/7 and when they see anyone even with a pride flag in their profile, or maybe their pronouns, they have an absolute baby meltdown.

    The issue is you mate. Even how you say “banned by a trans”. Who talks like that? You seem uncomfortable with it and therefore annoyed and upset. Chill and stop worrying so damn much about others…

  • Most of us are not organizing within the system to fix it. We are voting as a way of putting our foot on the breaks while we organize outside of it. The train is going fast. Trump accelerates it and Harris makes it go slower.

    Voting does not mean we are organizing inside the system. Its a half baked measure we use to our advantage.

    Nobody is saying Harris will stop or reverse the train. But we are not going accelerate the train and hurt even more people than it already is. We are privileged to be hanging off the sides instead of laying on the tracks like many many others.

  • I didn’t say that i did not know. I said i dont know much. I do know she was a prosecutor who fought hard to keep non violent people in prison.

    So I’m not making confidently incorrect statements.

    Are you talking about my joke in my very first comment? We should not pretend she is not a liberal. She is progressive, yes. But she is not a leftist. I do not believe she will be some savior of the working class. I would gladly be proven wrong. But i have to see it happen before i believe it.

    Democrats consistently say they will do this and that when elected. Then its either watered down or abandoned.

  • I’m not reading all of that. Stop being a baby and listen to people when they say they don’t like you calling them something. I very much doubt this is the first time you were asked to not use the word “female” when talking to a woman.

    If you’re not signing some important document or in a medical setting, don’t talk to women and use the word female on them. It makes you sound like a demeaning dick.

    “I just don’t understand why females do this” “Please stop calling us females. It makes it sound like we are less than men. Just call us women.” “Oh okay, no problem.”

    Tadaaa. Problem fixed. Not that big of a deal.

  • Maybe women are responding “triggered” because you sound like a fucking dick?

    “I refer to women in a demeaning and shitty way. In a way that makes them seem like they are below me. And they tend to be so triggered by it. Hmmm so curious. 🧐”

    Does that not trigger something in your tiny brain? Do you not think “Hmmm… Maybe they don’t like it. I should stop doing it as to not be a piece of shit.”

    OR you enjoy it when are a bully and enjoy it when people get upset at you for being shitty to them.

    So it’s either you have the intelligence of a tennis ball, or you’re a fucking dick.

    You should reflect on that.

  • Completely agree. I hate heat with a passion. My 2 biggest annoyances are lawn mowers being loud and neighbors outside all day with kids that scream their fucking lungs out. Just high pitched fucking screaming for hours on end.

    I know i used to play outside when i was little, but never did i yell and scream uncontrollably for fucking hours, driving anyone in a 200 meter radius fucking insane. Sorry i just don’t get it.

    Edit: im sorry if i sound like a boomer. Im autistic and the screaming is giving me a fight of flight reaction. Often i don’t care. But a family 2 houses down screams sooooo loud. Not even laughing or anything. Just pure high pitched screaming. And they will go on until 10pm or so every day if the sun shines.

    I use noise canceling earphones but i can’t and don’t want to wear those all day long.