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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • It’s part of the problem, but I don’t think we’ve studied individual contributors as much as looked at the big picture. There was a study on plastics in general that has some citations of the statistics it gathers, and I ran across it in looking up specifically the rubber from tires, aka tire dust from wear and tear (which all vehicles have to some degree, even EVs, and is often a part of the argument of less cars rather than different cars). So about 1 millions tons of the annual contribution to plastics in the ocean is due to tire dust in runoff waters. Also keep in mind that like many large studies that take a while to put together, I think a lot of these statistics are old (around 2016). It’s probably worse now.

  • If it looks to potentially reduce Republican votes, then Republicans will just compensate by more effort trying to restrict certain demographics and areas from getting their vote in. They never have been supportive of everyone getting a chance to vote, it skews things towards the left. Anyone still remember when Karl Rove lost his mind on live TV because he knew what the numbers should have been had everything gone to plan, and liberals getting more votes was inconceivable to him.

  • Same here. When I stop at a stop sign and there is a car behind me, I routinely take bets in my head to see if the next car just goes through it. Most often they do. Running red lights is another…if you are at a red light waiting for it to change to green, always wait a split second before going and also give a glance both ways. Don’t assume because the light is good there isn’t someone trying to beat the red. Or just going through an obvious red because they’re more important than everyone else in their head. I’ve gone through many a yellow light thinking to myself that I really cut it close, then I notice one or even more people have followed me through the intersection. Boy they get upset too if you actually stop for that yellow.

  • LLMs are just very complex and intricate mirrors of ourselves because they use our past ramblings to pull from for the best responses to a prompt. They only feel like they are intelligent because we can’t see the inner workings like the IF/THEN statements of ELIZA, and yet many people still were convinced that was talking to them. Humans are wired to anthropomorphize, often to a fault.

    I say that while also believing we may yet develop actual AGI of some sort, which will probably use LLMs as a database to pull from. And what is concerning is that even though LLMs are not “thinking” themselves, how we’ve dived head first ignoring the dangers of misuse and many flaws they have is telling on how we’ll ignore avoiding problems in AI development, such as the misalignment problem that is basically been shelved by AI companies replaced by profits and being first.

    HAL from 2001/2010 was a great lesson - it’s not the AI…the humans were the monsters all along.