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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It’s possible we’d be in a better situation now. Lots of obvious things like not tossing out known facts about terrorism efforts and having a climate change awareness leadership. There’s much that would still be the same, like the system of consumerism that is the core of much of our problems. One person in a limited power seat can’t fix that, I’m not sure anything can outside of failure of the system itself. But I do think we would have at least avoided that one historic turning point that revved back up the military drive of the US. Even GWB’s administration was looking into ways of reducing the military into smaller, more mobile parts until suddenly we went into revenge mode. Or useful crisis mode.

  • It was coined as meaning other people, but words evolve to mean things by their usage over time, and I’m sure carrying it over to other living things is applicable.

    I don’t think sonder is the word you were asking about, because the awareness that sonder refers to is only a piece of the whole complexity of reality. As an example, take this video by Epic Spaceman to help show the scale of the galaxy. It’s not sonder, but has that same sense of opening your mind beyond your normal comprehension for a bit.

  • The sell of the paper is a new fuel storage medium. The positive part is that creating a fuel from existing carbon sources means (hopefully) less petroleum pumped out of the ground to contribute more carbon. The negative is that it leans more to that than the permanent sequestering, and I can’t seem to pick out a net energy use anywhere, but basic physics tells us it will take more energy to do the process in entirety, even if most of it results in large scale storage. I doubt that happens because removal of carbon vs. putting into a new form to be used is like burying money. Which leads to something I’ve noticed pop up only in the past month or so…a new term added. “Carbon capture, utililization, and storage”. CCS has already been very heavily into the production of carbon products to support their efforts, after all they have to make a profit, right? The only real storage done is a product to inject into the ground to help retrieve more oil. Again, they aren’t going to just bury the money, that’s foolhardy for a business.

    Sorry for more negativity in the thread. Just calling a spade a spade. Those who don’t like the feeling that gives can just ignore it and focus on the new science that will save us.

  • Recycled water isn’t directly toilet water, so the title is misleading to bias the react and get the click. Isn’t much of urban water already recycled to some degree? And in reality, all water is “second hand” and has been somewhere else in its history on this planet. It’s only a question of it being processed naturally or otherwise to be potable to drink.

    Let’s focus on the chemicals we’ve put into the world’s water that can’t easily (or at all) be filtered out. Toilet water is not the problem.

  • Way too many good movies to have a single best, but that one is one of my favorites certainly. If I recommend it to someone I avoid any spoiling of the twist because it was so great when it happened. It might be obvious before that point for some, it came from left field for me.

    And while I heard the sequel wasn’t all that great, I felt that even if a sequel could be good it was totally unneeded. It’d be like trying to make a second Highlander movie, if one could even imagine that.