“Finnegans Wake is the greatest guidebook to media study ever fashioned by man.” - Marshall McLuhan, Newsweek Magazine, page 56, February 28, 1966.

I have never done LSD or any other illegal drugs, but I have read FInnegans Wake: www.LazyWake.com

Lemmy tester, “RocketDerp” is my username on GitHub

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023

  • This basically shuts my idea down

    it’s not very difficult to modify the code for something like this… and closing off registration wont’ let anyone else login and create new content form your istance.

    Personally the load on the major servers by having one more instance that subscribes to everything is why I think people should back off from creating more than the 1500 instances Lemmy network already has. Delivery of every single vote, comment, post 24 hours a day just so one person can read content for an hour or two a day.

    That makes sense for email systems where all that content doesn’t have to be sent, but for Lemmy it’s a huge amount of overhead.

  • I use that periodically to compare feeds, and like I said sometimes a post or comment is missing, actually I often see a comment that looks like it’s responding to a another comment, but I cannot see the parent comment.

    There have been bugs in Lemmy not sending comment deletes to all the instances. And lemmy.world and lemmy.ml were not communicating fro Saturday through Tuesday. Lemmy.world had some significant outages. It gets pretty tricky to track down and identify exact causes while things are unstable.

  • NASA statement this week opened my mind up to non-human intelligence on Earth. I started looking into when dinosaurs were really taken seriously, and it wasn’t until 1800. Think about how many humans ignored that evidence. Maybe some intelligence evolved on Earth and had brains that found natural physics and chemistry more teachable than our learning in school classrooms, found ways to open dimensions and just left Earth for some place better, but still comes back to check us lower species, ha.

  • we could all just vote for people that aren’t corrupt

    Audiences who flock to liars and deceivers seems to be trending in bad direction. Business leaders, politicians. What Cambridge Analytica unleashed as mass psychology tactics in 2014 may be very difficult to undo.

    corrupt… or at least, yet!

    Things like term limits seemed to help stop some of the problems of people corrupting once they got into positions of power. But now it seems crowds of more and more people are choosing pre-corrupted, cheering on corruption.

  • There are so many trends with technology that seem to favor another 1930’s Europe situation. The 1940 film “The Great Dictator” describes it pretty well, and it is sad how much love and compassion seem to be out of favor as people march more and more towards mechanized hate-driven systems of society. I really hope a pro-humanism civil rights movement takes hold, like Martin Luther King Jr’s kind of teaching, but it seems to not happen that a popular person like that comes to the top. Even a Carl Sagan type person with mass popularity to much of what Sagan shared in his books and speeches would be a good direction.

  • There are always underlying assumptions made by people who support industrial-age work for every human being. Things like… 9 to 5 work schedule (or longer) being compatible with their genetics, year round - winter or summer. Paperwork appreciation, having to fill out job applications often with high amounts of redundancy in the questions and formats. Red tape for getting paychecks and accounting. Dress codes and even uniform requirements. Businessmen preferences for rectangle and high-rise buildings that few other animals from Earth seem to construct or use to build loyal followers.

    With generic randomness alone, I suspect that 20%+ of a population on Pale Blue Dot never fit in with what their local society considers perfectly “normal” conformity and biological needs in industrialized world.