Just a shiny male toy…

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Honestly, missing a bit of dickskin is a lot less troubling to me then how hard we all work and have no real protection from the hurdles life sometimes throws at us.

    Who’s taking care of my elderly family, spread out across the states? My nephews have to choose between affording a home by both going to work, or actually raising their young kids. Where is our eldercare, our universal healthcare, our pre-k benefits?

    I have my reasons to gripe about society, and crazy as mutilating a baby under the pretense of health is, I don’t think it’s as deadly or dangerous to us all long term, as these oligarchs and their sycophants robbing us of our dues, enabled by an unregulated economy.

    The clock keeps ticking on the detonator.

  • Well… Don’t worry too much. Money moves so that rich cities no longer are, the creatives move around so that centers of creativity aren’t (see Haight Ashbury), etc etc etc.

    Look for a spot with friends that calls to you. I miss Washington heights, now that I live a little south of LA. Gonna try Seattle out next, just following where the work is and where the people are.

    That said, I bet you’ll find something in NYC if you looked.