• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2023

  • My numbers were correct and I explained why.

    Do you mind telling me the application list so I can check that myself?

    because they are problematic by design. I didn’t go out of my way to cherrypick a small handful of applications that just so happened to use three different runtimes

    Kinda odd, I didn’t even know it was using 3 different runtimes until very recently, I just installed the biggest applications that I had as appimages to make the comparison, and yuzu because I use that one very often lol.

    EDIT: Don’t you think that on itself isn’t problematic by design?

    in order to bash it.

    How should I have phrased my comment so that I wasn’t bashing flatpak?

    due to the huge systematic problems they have.

    Such as?

  • Oh I’m very sorry, I didn’t see the period before the At the expense of storage space

    Flatpaks either work for everybody, or they don’t work at all.

    Maybe? I’ve seen enough people having weird issues with flatpaks that others don’t have. One recent example was somebody complaining here that the firefox flatpak took very long start, which I found odd because flatpaks aren’t compressed squashfs images and should not be taking long to start up, that’s an issue of appimages and snaps instead lol.

    Packaging your software with Flatpak does not mean you won’t have issues. But when you do have issues, you know they’ll be an issue for everybody. So when you fix it, you also fix it for everybody.

    Another issue that I’ve noticed with flatpaks is that they are usually built with generic flags, I don’t know if this is a requirement or lazy developer, but this is also an issue that yuzu had, the flatpak was built for x86-64 while the appimage was for x86-64-v2 and that had a 8% boost on fps at the cost of people with cpus older than sandy bridge not being able to use it. (Which I mean if your cpu is that old you can’t use yuzu anyway).

    EDIT: And by weird distro I basically meant nix or musl distros, which I know flatpak works on because it bundles an entire distro basically, while appimage tries its best to be compatible with every distro provided it uses glibc and follows the FHS.

    On that there is no dispute that flatpak/snap is your only option.

  • but that can and does cause reliability and probability issues.

    Flatpak and snaps have been the most broken on this. Just recently I was talking about issues that I had with yuzu on that. And more recently steam as I wanted to test something…

    Also I remember you, you were the guy that didn’t reply when you gave a number that I found very odd (Basically impossible lol):


    Were you guy that downvoted the comment btw?

    Appimages don’t use any deduplication at all and usually package everything in the app.

    Yes, doesn’t mean anything if flatpak uses way more storage…

  • At the expense of storage space

    What storage expense? appimage are actually the smallest thanks to their compression.

    Compare the librewolf appimage vs a native pacakge, it is 100 vs 300 MiB iirc.

    Same with libreoffice, it is 300 vs 600 MiB.

    And these native packages seem to share very few libraries, because when I remove them from my system the removed size is that, 300, 600 MiB, etc.

    My distro would not be 4.2 GIB if I dropped my appimages for native packages.

    de-duplication saves TheEvilSkeleton over 50GB of storage space here: https://tesk.page/2023/06/04/response-to-developers-are-lazy-thus-flatpak/#but-flatpaks-are-easier-for-end-users

    The total size 27 GIB for 173 apps works out at an average of 155 MiB per application.

    The average appimage is also that size. Like besides very big applications like libreoffice which is 300 MiB and kdenlive which is 200 MiB. The rest of apps are usually 150 MiB or less.

    And most appimages are “lazy” appimages made with linuxdeploy, if you do finer control on the build you can get the size of the appimage way way down.

    One example is qbittorrent, the official appimage is 100 MiB, while there is a fork called qbittorrent-enhanced edition, and they got the size of the appimage down to 26 MiB

    making them less reliable

    Hard disagree that they are less reliable, that might be less reliable on weird distros or very minimal installations, but usually the issue is that you are missing a lib and not that the app itself is less reliable, but stability wise, they have been the most reliable, case in point was yuzu, the flatpak was such as nightware that even the devs would talk againts it due to issues with mesa.

    And the support channel of yuzu in their discord was full of people having issues with the flatpak that were magically fixed the moment they tried the appimage, due to that issue with mesa being outdated in the flatpak.

    But anyway, I will install my applications as flatpak and compare the storage used.

  • Thanks for the suggestion, but I really want to stick to something like i3, which I think the only thing that is close is sway (and sway is not a perfect drop in replacement for i3 btw).




    Actually not even i3 is perfect for me, I had to fork it to apply a patch that they haven’t applied: https://github.com/i3/i3/pull/5521

    A few months ago I really tried to switch to hyprland, it all ended with my wasting my time reading the documentation on how to assign workspaces to monitors for hyprland to tell me that the feature was deprecated 💀

    Another issue that I had with hyprland is that I could not move a floating window between displays using the move left/right as those moved the window to the right/left of the display instead of a left/right direction.

    I also use i3msg to do some mildly complex actions, which I really couldn’t figure out how to do with hyprland, like this one:


    set $EXC exec --no-startup-id
    set $ADUNST dunstify -r 33 -t 1500
    set $RX1 i3-msg '[class="Brave" instance="^(?i)(?!web.telegram.org__k)(?!discord.com__app)(?!web.whatsapp.com).*"] focus'
    $BIND $MOD+F1 $EXC $RX1 && $ADUNST "Brave" || ( brave & $ADUNST "Launching Brave" )

    Which basically the same keybind either focuses or launches the web-browser, but does not focus on the PWA instances of the web browser as for that I use a different keybind.

    Another bigger issue that I need to solve as well is that it seems it isn’t possible to do "xrandr --setmonitor extended in wayland, as I use that with my 3 monitors to play some games. (it sets the 3 displays as one).

  • I cannot believe you were right. It is a arch only issue for hyprland.

    I’m on artix linux since a few days ago, but I did not test hyprland on artix yet. I had only tested sway because I had a similar issue with xfce4 apps creating a ~/.config dir, which actually turned out to be a dbus issue which does not happen on artix because they don’t use dbus-broker.

    Indeed hyprland does not create the ~/.cache directory, but it does create a .dbus directory instead (something that sway doesn’t do 🤔). So I basically just moved forward and backwards at the same time lol.

    Btw don’t tell me you use ~/.var/cache because flatpak hardcodes ~/.var like I cannot do that, I would not accept such defeat lol.

    THANK YOU SO MUCH, I have been stuck with this issue for months, now I know where the problem is at least.