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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Problem is that requires good faith from both sides. If only one side adheres to that then the other side uses it as ammunition and inputs their politically appointed judges anyway.

    Case in point, Senator Mitch McConnell crying out in 2015 about Obama wanting to appoint someone at the end of his term, saying that he would be robbing the next president of that legacy and it would be a political appointment. And then Mitch McConnell said nothing as they appointed and Trump approved three blatantly political nominees.

    Both sides have to agree that those positions be apolitical or one side just ends up getting screwed. And of course we are not going to see that because Republicans don’t have a shred of decency left and the whole party.

  • For people who consider this a sign of social status

    Ok well,

    1. Anyone who considers apple products a status symbol already has bought in and won’t be swayed one way or the other by windows becoming worse.

    2. Anyone who actually understands technology knows that regardless of how many different apps or environments apple OS’s provide, you are always operating in a closed system with the tools they allow. Whereas an operating system like android, or Linux, or (at least for now) windows, your options for the capability of a tool are limited only by what exists or what you have the capability to write.

    In short, apple isn’t an OS that technologically literate people flock to as an exclusive option.

  • In addition to the other great points in this thread, Apple has a cost barrier that other operating systems don’t.

    In an economic climate where everything is getting more expensive, a consumer isn’t going to fork out $800+ on a MacBook or an iPhone without first actively wanting to be part of the ecosystem, especially if the hardware they have gets the job done.

    The reason Apple isn’t growing as fast as it’s competitors right now is exactly that. Apple is expensive to get into. No amount of enshitification on other OS’s is going to change that.

  • I wholly agree with you. And I say this next part as an ally living in Louisiana:

    I don’t see the courts being able to stop this from happening. Inevitably, it will get challenged and end up at the Supreme Court, which will rule 6-3 “states rights”.

    Conservative justices have shown time and again that unless the constitution literally says the words “shall not infringe upon trans care for minors” they will not interpret it as such.

    The only thing stopping this law in the last few years was a veto from the democratic governor, and now that that has flipped republican, the only thing that will stop it is enough people turning out to vote in 2027.

  • All the likes of Zelda, Mario, Halo, Pokemon, etc. are going to get forgotten

    I disagree. The reason being that video games and gaming of this caliber are completely unheard of in all of human history. We’ve come further in gaming tech over the last couple decades than the grand majority of all humans that have ever existed could even dream.

    That being said, as long as emulation exists, there will be fans of big ips. The problem with saying “it’ll get forgotten as soon as the last person stops playing” is that the specific circumstance of modern gaming is unprecedented. People are still out there emulating games that came out in the 80’s. There’s really no rule saying this kind of technology won’t last hundreds or thousands of years like more classical games do.

  • Texas politicians use illegal immigration as a wedge issue to fire up voters. Despite the fact that immigration across the Texas/Mexico border goes in both directions and generally hasn’t changed in several decades, Texas politicians have increasingly used the fact that illegal immigration exists to distract their racist and xenophobic conservative voters from seeing how shitty their policies actually are.

    It’s rage bait for conservative voters. Just like how republican politicians have been sending bus loads of immigrants to Northern cities. There’s no purpose except to stroke the hate boners of their voters.

    Now Texas authorities have illegally issued orders to stop border patrol (a federal agency) from intervening on the increasingly hostile and deadly measures to keep immigrants from crossing the border. Despite the fact that seeking asylum is in fact a legal act. In a recent case, Texas authorities stopped border patrol from rescuing a mother and her drowning children, all of which are now presumed dead.

    Gov. Abbot said only a few days ago that he would order Texas authorities to shoot immigrants but he can’t because “Biden would charge him with murder”

    Republicans expect this issue to be the double whammy of “look see we’re doing something about immigrants” and “big bad Biden is trying to stop us!” and look great to their racist, xenophobic base