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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • And to add to that an outside vendor will almost always provide a better result because they actually have to work for their jobs, rather than their jobs being given to them. They also have to work in more venues so they are more flexible and able to customize your AV to meet your specific needs. Many of these in house crews have only a couple setups that they will do for a room and if your setup doesn’t fit that preset, tough.

    The only downside is, because their shop is not on site, last minute add ons are difficult if not impossible to do. So make sure you account for everything that is happening and communicate it with your AV company so they can spares for any last minute add ons you may want.

  • I do not think having an AirBNB or any BNB counts, as those are temporary arrangements similar to a hotel. They can also make good use of a property that normally would not be in use. One of my friends is a musician, she lives half of the time in Nashville, because recording studios and producers, and half of her time in Montana where she’s from. Whatever house she’s not living in at the time gets rented out as an AirBNB. I would consider that acceptable, she’s actually using both places, and when she’s not in one, she’s putting it to good use.

    In my eyes a landlord is someone who sits on a property, maybe maintains it, maybe not, and makes someone else pay their bills.

    I’m lucky enough to own my own place, but one of my coworkers is paying what I pay for my mortgage in rent every month, and he has less space than I do. What is his landlord doing to get a $1800 check every month? Absolutely nothing. That’s not OK. At least apartment buildings typically have amenities. Don’t get me wrong I’m still not a fan of apartment buildings, but they can be done right, they just usually aren’t.

  • I travel for a living.

    1. Priority boarding is useless. You wait in line and have to jockey for space. I am usually one of the last people to board, I walk in, go straight to my seat and don’t have to worry about maneuvering past everyone, since they are already seated.
    2. Noise canceling headphones. Pick your flavor it doesn’t really matter but having a nice audio playlist or some podcasts downloaded while not being able to hear everyone else will make the flight so much easier.
    3. You can look up the flight before you book to figure out legroom, as a result I fly jetblue when I can and southwest when I can’t because they average about 2” and 1” more legroom respectively over everyone else.
    4. The smaller and the easier your carry-on is to set down, the better. The goal is for it to be able to fit under the seat and not in the overhead compartment. Overheads fill up quickly, every seat has its own storage. I personally use a small briefcase that I found at a thrift store.
    5. Toiletries, you don’t need as much as you think you need, and they don’t need to be in the carry-on. The only thing I would say needs to be in the carry-on is your toothbrush with some toothpaste already applied just in case. Hotels will typically have something resembling shampoo and body soap. Between those two things it will buy you enough time to get to a store if luggage gets lost.
    6. Luggage is best in wheels and hard cases. I went so far that I use a pelican case as my luggage case. You probably don’t need to go that hard, but if the luggage can be bent with your hand, imagine what would happen if your luggage ended up at the bottom of the pile. Nothing fragile will survive, unless it’s in a hard case. Also if you aren’t confident that your luggage can survive a trip down the stairs, you need to pack it better, luggage handlers are not known to be gentle.
    7. Patience. There’s a lot of hurry up and wait when traveling. Personally I bring a charger in my carry-on so I can use my laptop and phone still. You’re not going to make the plane do its plane things any faster, so just chill out, relax, you’ll get there when you get there. If you do a lot of traveling this is where the lounges come in play, but for one offs not worth it.

  • For most people, yes I agree with you, however apple has done a very good job at creating products for stupid people. If I have someone ask me for advice on phones or computers I always ask them, do you want to have to think to use it? Do you care if you pay more so you can be lazy? If the answer is no to both of those, Apple is not bad. The end user never has to see a file system, everything is drag and drop. My grandmother was able to figure out the Apple UI in about an hour, and that included learning how a mouse and keyboard worked as she had never used a computer before in her life. It’s a little scary how dumb Apple allows you to be.

    For that reason and that reason only I think Apple has a place. If you want to get actual work done / don’t want to pay double for the same thing, Apple’s not for you.