Shinji_Ikari [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020

  • Polonium

    Hm I’m not sure if that’d really give me what I’m looking for. I know its certainly possible to configure KDE and Polonium to get me 90% there but I think I’d rather just have a normal floating setup I can switch to if need be. I’d need to remap a significant amount of keyboard shortcuts that would stop making sense in the context of a full floating DE.

    I really just want a very fast app launcher like dmenu, dynamic tiling, and monitor independent workspaces. I have a particular setup using certain alpha keys for my workspace.

    I never really enjoyed the experience of tacking things onto an existing DE and having to mess with UI configuration. I’ve been really loving XMonad for a few setups and my ideal wm would be something that’s extremely low power and low fluff. Even if I only eek out 10% more battery life, breaking the 10hr mark is more valuable to me than most bells and whistles.

    I’m just really lazy. I could load up my xmonad setup in 20 minutes but I wanted to see the state of wayland and that requires learning a new wm’s configuration quirks.

  • I’ve been using gnome as a “base” DE for years, what that means is I install it, then install my tiling wm and use all the gnome utilities.

    I recently had to set up a few new machines and decided to try KDE on a couple and I’m really enjoying it. I haven’t even gotten around to installing a tiling wm because I want to learn a wayland option and that’ll take some time. I haven’t ran into pain points listed here but one thing I like is when I want to do X, there’s usually already something ready to do X for me. Years of gnome and I felt like the devs were always fighting me. I haven’t really used a full gnome setup in a few years though, but I know the “mommy knows best” attitude is still prevalent with the devs.

  • Yeah I actually just prefer the command line, I’ve never had to force myself to use it. I even tried using VSC for a bit recently but i couldn’t get myself to like it. I just use nvim with some plugins in a tmux session now and its productive as hell.

    Of course I don’t browse the web with the command line. For merging branches, I always merge main into the working branch first, check conflict files, and go through the file finding the diffs and resolving them. I’ve used merge tools before that were sorta nice but I had my own issues with them.

    Maybe it’s the type of programming I do. I don’t do any web stuff, so file count is down. For larger code bases I keep a non editor terminal up and will grep -re for word/phrase searching, find to look for specific files, etc. I’ll occasionally use an IDE, typically eclipse based because embedded, but I don’t find myself missing the features they add.

  • I really never understood why one would need a GUI for git except for visualizing branches.

    I feel like I’m crazy seeing so many people using clicky buttons for tracking files. I need like 4 commands for 95% of what I do and the rest you look up.

    You’re already programming! Just learn the tool!

    And now there’s a github CLI tool? I hate to beat a dead horse but Microsoft pushing their extended version of an open source tool/protocol is literally the second step of their mantra.

  • I find I can leverage this sometimes.

    Years ago in college, I lamented to a classmate of mine that I feel like i was doing so much thinking all weekend but had nothing to show for it. He simply responded “That’s called research, and that counts”.

    Now, although i’m far from efficient, I try to use that rapid thinking time to sort out all the loose strings in my mind, essentially polishing ideas over and over again until my “what-ifs” are paired down and in the last hour of work I can sometimes get myself into a hyperfocus and accomplish what I was thinking about all day.

    Totally not a blanket solution but I hope it helps someone reframe their thoughts a bit, maybe help them feel less guilty about holding all this in their head.

    Also TAKE NOTES. Obsidian is great, you can link your ideas together, extra pages are free, the canvas tool is great to just tie ideas together.

  • Its not dead simple but its also not extremely complex.

    I’m currently working with some interns and there’s just concepts they were never exposed to. Without decent mentoring, git can be difficult because a lot of the workflow does come with experience.

    That being said everyone needs to stop acting like its an impossible task to properly do source control. There is some truth that if you don’t care enough to do your source control, you don’t care enough to write decent code. Its not a moral failing, just take some pride in your craft.

    Show the newbies how to care and they’ll care enough to want to do it right. Measure twice, cut once and all that.

  • I bought a super cheap classic and did a flash mod, battery upgrade, and bluetooth mod.

    The bt mod only came after I went back to wired headphones and experienced the rage of having earbuds ripped out when the wire hooks onto things. I was a bt earbud hater for a bit but the freedom is somethin else.

    It does suck a lot to load music onto it, I’ve tried foobar2000 and a linux option. the former is better but windows, if you switch around you need to re-sync the entire ipod, which over slow USB2 is a many hour endeavor.

    The simplicity of not being distracted by a notification when you go to change a song is undefeated.