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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • I get what you are saying, and I don’t mean to trivialize ADHD or anyone’s experience. I just feel that many opinions and experiences I’ve seen here are common occurrences to me and most people I know. It’s impossible to judge how frequent or distressing each of them are to anyone who is suffering due to them. In my experience nearly everything posted here is a not a “that happens once in a while” but a “yes that is a thing humans do.”

    I think since everyone who has ADHD only knows what it is like to have ADHD many silly things everybody experiences are seen as a result of ADHD. Like giving up on a comment while posting it.

    Once again, I have no way of judging how impactful, frequent and distressing any behavior is for another person, nor do I think there is benefit in doing so. I just believe that much of content I’ve seen here is not unique to ADHD people.

  • Are you against roads?

    Do you use the sidewalk without paying a fee to a private entity that helped develop it?

    Housing doesn’t have to be a scarcity market. I don’t anyone is complaining about people who own a house, but people are complaining about companies and individuals who own 10,000 homes.

  • It is easy, if you can get a mortgage.

    I currently pay less than $2k a month on my mortgage. A 1 bedroom apartment near me is about $1.8-2.5k and a 2 bedroom is $2.5-3.5k a month. People aren’t lazy and not buying houses because it’s so fun to live in an apartment, they are doing it because they can’t get a loan.

    The only difficult thing about buying a house is the hours of paperwork and surprise costs that make no sense.

  • I was making over $60k a year managing a small retail store.

    It isn’t too hard to break into management of boutique retail shops, but you are basically a rep who doesn’t get overtime and has a few additional responsibilities. A part time job at a big corporation won’t be a living wage, but it’s possible to make a living in retail.

    The job really sucks though.

  • You ever think about how weird most housing is?

    Suburbia is lines of houses with the same items in them not being used. Full of people who become petty tyrants comparing about a car being parked to close or a yard not neat enough.

    If you start to question how we should live together it’s easier to see a way for landlords to cease to exist.

  • Real bad faith framing of your opponents argument there; be better than that.

    Like trying to reframe my argument as “rich country good, poor country bad”?

    I’ve mentioned statistics, I’ve mentioned a human angle and I’ve been upfront about what ways Cuba is better than the US. You’ve tried to dismiss my argument by misrepresenting it. This level of insecurity shows how shallow your beliefs are.

  • No, it’s that saying one place is worse doesn’t make it so.

    Human development index and quality of life studies put the US ahead of Cuba. Cuba isn’t a hellhole that many people make it out to be, but that doesn’t automatically make it better than the US.

    Cuba has better healthcare and lower cost of living, but Americans aren’t on rafts to Cuba.

    One of the problems with enacting good and lasting change in the western world is that life is pretty darn good on the whole. It could be a lot better, but just shouting that the US is bad is mindless propagada. Be better than that.

  • Notice how when confronted with facts the hexbear has no real argument but assumes being obnoxious is the same as making a coherent argument.

    Cuban refugees carry a higher level of risk than other countries, and yet they still come. Ignoring facts doesn’t make a country better. You wouldn’t let a fact like that slide from the US. Hexbears lack intellectual honesty.