• 1 Post
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2024


  • Right, like this commentthat got deleted for calling out Russian imperialism.

    That’s a great example of exactly what I mean. I enjoyed reading the nuanced perspectives in context in the comments below. I agree with some of the points people made, disagree with others, and now have a better idea of how complex the local situation is in the past decade leading to war.

    I learned that the core point in an argument for Russian invasion is that it was the majority will of the local people to defect from Ukraine to the Russian Federation, with or without sovereignty afterwards. And, I learned how to defeat that argument and its related points fairly soundly. Those couple of overly bleeding hearts were respectfully handled by the vast majority.

    So, thanks for the link, I guess.

  • Every ML and hexbear

    That’s not been my experience with either. Are comments like the above kids on the internet, bots, or something else? Someone please explain the contrast between my perception and the mainstream perception of this community.

    An ML would believe Russia is wrong to invade because it’s an imperialistic land grab. They reject NATO because it’s also a tool of imperialism.

    While I don’t spend a lot of time on hexbear, I’ve enough presence to know that advocating an imperialistic land grab (be it by Russia or NATO) or for any authoritarian form of governance (be it “tankie” communism or christo-fascism) will get a user banned quickly.

  • I do know that AT&T has a fiber line that runs through my neighborhood, yet I can’t get fiber internet

    The local exchange carriers (LECs) typically change from plain olds telephone system (POTS) to fiber at the neighborhood level. Coax carriers also.

    Fiber to the neighborhood is already there. It’s not hard to run a line across a neighborhood to connect whatever on either side.

    The difficult part is getting from a neighborhood connection to each individual home. It’s a flower pot install on each property, all connected together underground, and it can’t fuck with gas, water, sewer, etc.

  • My first job in high school I asked what my title was. I was a mail clerk.

    The owner of the company, as a joke, had business cards printed up for me that read: Deputy to the Assistant Vice President of Mailroom Operations.

    I felt kinda special until he also printed some for his dog and started handing them out to any visitor that pet him.

  • It puzzles me why leftist parties don’t all embrace lower taxes for the middle class.

    They all do. My best guess as to why you’d say this is that you’re including Democrats.

    edit: Or, I could be a self-centered American that didn’t consider others. I’ll do better.

    At risk of a strawman…

    The shortest path to equality is to greatly reduce taxes on the middle class and increase them on the wealthy.

    That’s what’s best for equality and for economic growth. Does this mean Democrats are horribly incompetent? Perhaps it’s that equality and economic growth aren’t their goals.