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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2024


  • Great tactic, clearly your posts show you are a racist, fascist genocide supporter. Because your entire existence is so tenuous, you resort to making outlandish claims as the basis for your “argument” and then criticize others for somehow sticking to reality.

    Note how your all-powerful “quote” is the literal opposite of what the original commenter posted, yet you use it as a platform to attack.

    Pathetic, but what do you expect from .world.

  • Never let liberals gaslight you into their fucked up “beliefs”.

    I remember when every lib on Lemmy was justifying the genocide, how self defense is a right.

    I remember when Biden said there was no genocide in Gaza.

    I remember when libs here got their new brain chip and pivoted to “well (((Hamas))) was in that hospital and school”.

    I remember when libs finally turned to “genocide? So what? You’re just a tankie, BLUE MAGA!”.

    I will never vote for a fucking liberal.

  • Trying not to be an ass with this info:

    A large McDonalds coke is 290 calories and 77 grams of sugar (153% DV). Even a small is 150 calories and 39 grams sugar (77% DV).

    I get it, I don’t like my lifestyle being attacked either and I freely admit I consciously choose some unhealthy options in my life such as having a few drinks a week and eating fatty foods or cheesecakes now and then.

    But please, if you are starting your day by slamming 70 grams of sugar in your face, please reconsider lol. It’s gonna give you diabetes and ain’t no regular American can afford that.

    That doesn’t even take into account what they add to the food itself 😟

  • I sent 4-8 tailored applications every weekend for over 6 months to find my current role. Background is an accredited Bachelors in Engineering with several years experience for context.

    It’s a marathon, not a sprint - 2 real leads in 5 apps is incredible.

    What you’re asking is how to internalize the reality of living under late stage capitalism. There is no easy answer to be provided here.

    Personally, already being in a shit role helped motivate me to keep building my resume, taking on even more projects, and keep hunting.

    It makes it even funnier when they see this dedicated incredible profitable hard worker turn in their two weeks out of the blue. Last time I did it, two warehouses had to close because the replacement was not up to par and they lost the account lmfao.

  • As someone who slaves away at a company measuring revenue in billions and authorized to procure $1MM per year (seriously, not a humblebrag. Companies shit money)….

    lol. Every company right now is driving straight off a cliff with their foot on the pedal. Who cares about next year when we can squeeze more profit now?

    Welcome to late stage capitalism. Or if you prefer, late stage industrialization. The rulers aren’t as dumb as we like to think. They know nothing will remain of society in 50 years due to climate change and resource scarcity.

    Might as well squeeze it for everything left and f… off to their little apocalypse mansions in geologically stable areas.