• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • There will never be a real solution as long as those asstits like these fuckwads are here on this damn planet. All of them bilionairs, wanna be rulers (there not ruling shit, its ALL an ego trip). Hit the fucking reset button and start over. And if it all turns to crap i hope one of these fucking bombs falls near enough to me that it will be over fast and enough of them fall that there is nothing to rule over. Such a waste of. And all for money and fucking ego.

    Oh and fuck elon, prime example that money does not make you smart

  • Jesus eveyone is warmongering like there is literally no tommorow. Every little shitstain of a wanna be dictator wants war and the other dickwads are happy to reply in kind. What the fuck. If all those cuntspores want war. Put them on a fucking island and let THEM fight is out and leave the rest of us the fuck alone and with our daily lives….fucking hell…at this point im more like. Ok just drop all those fucking bombs and just let it all die out… fucksake Or let build those mars rockets as fast as we can and shoot them over there where they wanna live maybe then we can still make earth a reasonable place to live. FUCK.

    Sorry rant over.