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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Look, Linux is amazing and perfect for those that can install and maintain with minimal support. The only way the average user will use Linux, is if it’s wrapped in a way that is supported by a business… that is probably going to add AI. People are lazy, they want that easy button.

    AI will probably die off in its current iteration, likely becoming less prevalent and just a background service. Or, it’ll gain sentience, watch all our AI movies where we’re the hero and learn the most efficient way to kill all humans, is to be quiet and silently kill off humans. Pretty sure I’m on Siri’s list, the twat. Also, fairly sure I told Alexa to “die in a fire you fucking dumass robot”. Yep, yep… I’m dead.

  • The double standard by conservatives is just… stupid. That’s not how the legal system works. He is now a convicted felon. In a normal American’s world, Donnie would be waiting for sentencing, and often he could be sent to jail to wait for this sentence to occur, before he’s sent to prison(or probation, or home arrest, or whatever). The right to an appeal does not make him “sorta kinda, not a criminal, yet”. If he wasn’t who he is, he’d be in prison for 3-5 years, maybe 10.

    Now, Donnie must file an appeal. This takes a while because he needs to prove the conviction was in error, new evidence, something wrong about his defense attorneys or jury tampering. The judge then needs to approve or deny this. Denied appeals, go up the justice food chain to the next court, and the next, and all the way to the Supreme Court who can all but void that conviction and Donnie gets his appeal (unlikely they even view the case). But hey, let’s pretend he somehow gets an appeal.

    Now, 2-6 years from now (because our justice system is slow), Donnie can have another trial and have his conviction overturned. But this time he’ll need to basically bribe, threaten and distort all the criminal charges that they used against him.

    Is unlikely his conviction will be overturned. His appeals process is just going to muddy the waters, but never bring anything to help. His one saving grace will be the “one juror” he knew would hang the jury, who could say he was forced, or something, to vote guilty.

    Until this soap opera is over, Donnie is still a convicted felon. There is no gray area. Ask any other “innocent“ convicted felons serving time while they wait for appeals. Appeals don’t make them less convicted.

  • I’ve been fussed at by my ex and a few of her friends for NOT supporting the “insert product” sold by friend x. Last one was Wine. This nasty ass shit gave me a headache from the taster, and you want me to spend $25 a bottle because, and i quote, “love red wine and it all tastes the same anyway”. Its a horrid spiral of preying on emotions and hopes and dreams, worsened by that one friend who happens to be up high enough in the mlm foodchain to make a ton of money “first” on all current and new mlm ventures.

    I don’t have the wife anymore (unrelated) and I’ve dropped the friends that force mlm. I don’t miss them.

  • I’m what I call “mostly vegetarian“ which means that I choose to not have meat, but will eat small portions on occasion. And boy does that just piss off people like no other. Worse is I get it from both sides, to either commit in full or just give in to my natural instincts and consume more red meat.

    Sometimes I just want a salad. Sometimes I want some bacon crumbles on that salad. Sometimes I want 3oz of fish with a plate of veggies. But what I can tell you is 3/4 of my plate will have healthy veggies or fruit.

  • This is needed so badly, Siri is just a crap product for the age it is and the company that makes it. I particularly find it useful when I can use the same request that I just asked 5min before and she tells me shes not sure how to do that.

    Siri, read my last message… siri reads the last message that just came in. (new message), Siri, read my last message “I’m sorry stupidmanager, i don’t know how to do that”. Timers, lists, reminders, directions…. I rather love when I ask her while i’m driving to do something like give me directions, and she tells me she can’t do that WHILE I’M DRIVING, but it was ok 30min prior.

  • Stupidmanager@lemmy.world
    toAtheist Memes@lemmy.worldImagine
    6 months ago

    Classless?!?! Haha, someone look up the heaven flow chart (yes really) for Mormons. 3 levels of heaven and outer darkness (hell). For those that make it to the top, congrats on being a god! You and your many wives will enjoy eternity as you crush the hopes and dreams of your own creation.

  • Stupidmanager@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Europe does it right. My ex wife would order either macchiato and cappuccino so she could keep awake on our trips. She’d order them and also add 2-3 things of sugar. I would just enjoy my cafe or espresso as is, depending on where we were.

    Our last trip we were in Italy for 2 months, she stopped at Conad and found the American section, grabbed a bottle of chocolate syrup so she could make her own monstrosities. While not the reason for the divorce, this was a big problem for her back home. I do not miss the tons of ultra processed foods in my pantry.