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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • I just had parent rage remembering how my oldest’s 1st grade teacher wanted to hold them back just because their handwriting was “awful”, and their 2nd grade teacher decided to put all the talkative kids away in their own section so they “wouldn’t disturb the good kids” because THEY ALL TALKED TO EACH OTHER! This was also the same teacher that wrote “did you even study?” on a second graders spelling test when they came home with a D (that particular week had been so hard).

    Sorry for ranting, but this was prior to oldest being diagnosed with ADHD, dyslexia, and dysgraphia. Sometimes the teachers just see flaws and lable the ND kids as trouble makers or lazy instead of thinking they need extra help. Occupational therapy helped so much with their handwriting, medication and psychotherapy helped with the ADHD, and blue light filters helped with the dyslexia.

    I’m sorry you went through all that as a child.

  • For something totally different: tuna patties

    • 2 cans of tuna, drained
    • 1 egg
    • 1 sleeve of saltine crackers, crushed and divided
    • Worcestershire sauce, optional
    • Favorite frying oil

    Crush crackers into crumbs. Set aside approximately 1/3-1/4 to bread patties. Put remainder into a bowl. Add egg and drained tuna. Add a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce if desired. Mix together and form patties. (I usually get 2 to 4 patties per can.) Coat outside with cracker crumbs, fry in oil until outer crackers are golden brown. Serve and eat.

    Can also be made with canned salmon. My kids like eating them with ketchup or steak sauce. This is actually what I’ll be making for supper tomorrow night. You could totally eat this up with spicy ketchup.

  • Not sure if this would count, but here it is:

    • Stovetop stuffing
    • Canned chicken

    Boil water amount on the box in the electric kettle. Drain canned chicken. (Some brands need to be rinsed because of the amount of salt in the broth they’re canned in.) Add stuffing, butter (amount according to the box) and chicken into a bowl. Stir to incorporate. Add boiling water, stir again, and cover for 5 minutes. Fluff and serve.

    I suggest using the low sodium version as there will be a lot of salt between the box of stuffing and canned chicken. Can also use leftover cooked chicken.

  • They left her waiting, knowing the baby was already dead, increasing her risk of potentially deadly complications. I see no problem here. The dead baby should have been removed.

    She should not be charged with anything. There is medical neglect going on here and it’s obvious to me that her life was in jeopardy the longer she carried the dead baby.

    I lost my last pregnancy at 20+ weeks due to premature break of my water. I didn’t even realize it had happened, the pregnancy was wanted even if it wasn’t planned, and I am still dealing with the trauma (and the hospital bills). All I can think of is I’m thankful it happened when it did and my doctor didn’t hesitate to induce labor - a medical induced abortion - so my life would be okay. (And I was able to get a copper IUD placed because I know my mental health could not survive the potential loss of another child.)

    This poor woman… She is traumatized and our trash legal system wants to fine her and jail her. She needs support and love, not more debt and punishment. I screamed and cried in the hospital surrounded by support medical staff. She was in her bathroom…

    This makes my blood boil. The government should have zero say in private medical decisions. Abortion is no one’s first choice.

  • I feel that. It’s a crapshoot if I can get my kid’s meds each month at the pharmacy. Haven’t been able to get the generic for months, and we’re paying $50/month (with insurance) for the name brand. He truly needs his meds every day, but I’m just giving it to him on school days because of this crappy limbo of “will they or won’t they” every month. AND it’s not like we can get a 90 day supply. Oh nooooooo… it’s a controlled substance so a new script every 30 days.

    gets off soapbox

    I know I’m preaching to the choir by sharing this, but it’s becoming a worldwide issue that’s so frustrating for so many.