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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I built a new PC last year and installed Windows 11. I honestly have no issues with jt and it runs fine. However the shitty practices of current Microsoft have started appearing and ground my gears. So much so that I got a second drive and installed Mint. It’s not been easy adjusting and I often find myself booting into Windows for one reason or another but I spend the majority of my time now in Linux. I got a bit bored of Mint. I’m a sucker for new things so I moved to Arch. After installing a few packages I’m actually pretty happy with it. Proton has been the key for my move. Without it I simply wouldn’t be able to use Linux.

    Outside of Windows, moving away from Chrome, GMail and Google search it’s a breath of fresh air. I don’t feel like I’m constantly being tracked now and having products thrown in my face. I miss the old internet where harvesting everyone’s data wasn’t a thing.

  • Same old shit with everything. A company makes a move that users don’t like. The company just ignores all the flak they are getting online. The uproar calms down and then things continue.

    We’re seeing this more and more. Windows with ads, Amazon adding ads to their prime video account holders. Spotify moving lyrics to their premium subscription. The past couple of years are shit and companies continue to do whatever the fuck they want.

  • I ran PiHole for years. It started as a way to block ads but then also a way to block games and YouTube for my kids so they get a break. I had to manually control this though. I switched to NextDNS last year because this can be done on a schedule and they can’t get around it such as swapping to mobile data on their phones.

    In the house though I run AdGuard because there’s no way differentiate traffic for each of my kids NextDNS profiles. With AdGuard it can proxy DNS requests to take traffic from the TV in their bedroom and convert it to DNS over TLS so the traffic hits the correct profile. I don’t use AdGuard for anything else. It does not filter anything. It’s purely to make sure traffic hits the correct NextDNS profile.

  • We looked after a cafe who had a couple of PC’s to use that gave internet access. Yes this was a while ago, way before smartphones and wifi. The PC’s had some software that allowed internet access for a set duration based on how long they had purchased. This software was managed by an NT4 Server backend.
    The owner called one day to say nothing works. When I got there, NT4 has been wiped and replaced with Windows 98. Apparently one of the university student baristas was asked to help when they had an issue. The owner was trying to save money from calling us out. Fixing this mess was way pricier than whatever was wrong previously!