TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Dear United States,

    I hope this email finds you well. I couldn’t help but notice some unsettling developments in your life recently, and as your upstairs neighbor and friend, I felt the need to reach out.

    It’s been hard to ignore the noise from your past relationship with that abusive ex-boyfriend. You were so brave to leave him four years ago, especially after that terrifying January 6 incident. But now, I’ve heard whispers that you might be considering getting back together with him. Is that true?

    I remember how hard it was for you, and for all of us who care about you, when he was around. His actions and the chaos he brought into your life were not only harmful to you but also affected those around you, including us upstairs. We thought we had lost the warm, friendly neighbor we knew.

    Please think carefully about this decision. We all want what’s best for you, and it’s painful to see you possibly walking back into a situation that caused so much hurt and turmoil. If you need someone to talk to, I’m always here.

    Take care and stay safe.



    Chers États-Unis,

    J’espère que cet e-mail vous trouvera bien. Je n’ai pas pu m’empêcher de remarquer récemment des développements troublants dans votre vie, et en tant que voisin et ami du dessus, j’ai ressenti le besoin de vous tendre la main.

    Il a été difficile d’ignorer le bruit de votre relation passée avec cet ex-petit-ami violent. Vous avez eu le courage de le quitter il y a quatre ans, surtout après le terrifiant incident du 6 janvier. Mais maintenant, j’ai entendu des rumeurs selon lesquelles vous envisageriez peut-être de vous remettre avec lui. Est-ce vrai?

    Je me souviens à quel point c’était dur pour toi, et pour nous tous qui tenons à toi, quand il était là. Ses actions et le chaos qu’il a apporté dans votre vie vous ont non seulement été préjudiciables, mais ont également affecté votre entourage, y compris nous à l’étage. Nous pensions avoir perdu le voisin chaleureux et amical que nous connaissions.

    Veuillez réfléchir attentivement à cette décision. Nous voulons tous ce qu’il y a de mieux pour vous, et il est douloureux de vous voir revenir dans une situation qui a causé tant de souffrance et de troubles. Si vous avez besoin de parler à quelqu’un, je suis toujours là.

    Prenez soin de vous et restez en sécurité.



  • The most surprising thing is how you and some commenters dont see how obvious and dead simple the answer is

    Like, should they show you a block of ice and a fire next time?

    This is an incredibly narrow view of people, and what ‘obvious’ is. This sentence is absolutely awful if you’re ESL in any way:

    Please select all images of one type that appear warmer in comparison to other images

    Even I stumbled for a second on that sentence. What the hell does ‘appear warmer’ mean? Colour, hue, saturation, is there a temperature reading on them? It can snow at zero degrees, but that middle image could be -20 for all we know; it’s in shadow and the only non-cool-colour in it is that orange rectangle.

    I mean, to me, it’s obvious that you add an apostrophe to ‘don’t’ but you didn’t. Your sentence also doesn’t end with a period. Does that mean I get to call you out for missing such an ‘obvious’ thing, and insult you for not doing it? You know, how obvious and dead simple writing your sentence correctly would be.

  • Also, following treaties signed under duress and in situations of radically unequally power dynamics isn’t too reasonable either.

    I’m not sure the alternative to following treaties signed under duress is to not even follow said treaties. We can give them all sorts of land that we barely use, nobody is actually suggesting we give them back downtown Vancouver. The issue is we just shrug and go ‘yeah well people live in places now’.

  • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlThe two most stolen items
    8 months ago

    Ok, so I steal your dads car. Years later, he dies, and they find me with the car. Well your dad is dead, so it’s my car now right?


    To all the replies, what’s the cutoff? It sure seems to conveniently be the one where we keep everything and everyone else is fucked.

    Should we give Japanese American/Canadian families back the houses and land they lost when they were interred? Why or why not?

    If a car doesn’t count, but raw land does, what’s to stop the government from taking your house? They have the might, laws governing seizing of land is old, so fuck it, why follow it? Is that ok because they have the might?

    If the actions of those ‘hundreds of years ago’ no longer apply, do Americans lose their constitutional rights? What exactly makes something ‘too far in the past’ to have actions done with it? Canadians got the Charter of Rights and Freedoms in 1982, is that old enough to break, or too new? What is the line in time, exactly?