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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • There should be laws and fines for this.

    Here in France you can technically be fined for not securing properly your wifi. It was put in place by something called HADOPI which tries to catch movies shared on torrents. Unsurprisingly, the lobby of record labels managed to even make sure you couldn’t pretend someone hacked your wifi and downloaded illegally. But I’m sure the same bill but applied to businesses wouldn’t ever pass.

    Businesses could leak all your sensitive data and they won’t get anything beside bad PR but a single french citizen not proficient enough to secure his wifi may get in trouble.

  • Also as DDG is based in the US it is most likely legally bound to give your informations to any agency with a nice gag order on top of it.

    I can’t imagine any serious privacy oriented business to be headquartered in the US.

    The whole better privacy is true with DDG but certainly not to the extent people would like to think.

    That being said DDG has decent search results and is slightly better than Google for privacy. Google is an ecosystem so every little bit you don’t give them is a success.

    It’s really too bad we don’t have good private search engines…

  • First would you mind telling me where I defend Sony ?

    It must be very subtle.

    This conversation already starts in bad faith. You are trying to undermine my comment by declaring I’m taking side with Sony. There is nothing in my recent comments that says Sony has done something right or that I agree with their move. Nothing.

    Am I allowed to genuinely think this account issue wasn’t that much of a big deal ? Or do I only get to choose if I’m a Sony shill or not ? I have seen my favorite game franchise getting shat on for years by their developers (EA) and I have seen things thousands of time much worse from EA than this account requirement from PS. Still right to call out Sony for this but this is not a “this game is unplayable” issue like we had many times on other games. So yeah I have a nuanced opinion on this and didnt immediately accept that Sony murdered Helldivers 2 and that the game is dead.

    My suggestion is not complicated. Stay truthful in your reviews. That’s not rocket science. A lot of these reviews are rating or presenting the game as much worse than they really think it is. Most of these players will review bomb and will play hundred of hours just after that. I’m fucking French I understand what protests are and that being an annoyance is kind of the point. But review bombing on steam and telling a naive player that would definitely enjoy the game that the game is trash will never be cool. You can say in your review that you don’t like that aspect of the game but if the point is only to be negative and untrustworthy this is not the way. Again if you truly suddenly think that game is “the worst game ever” after playing hundreds of hours and learning of the PS requirements then fine but I doubt it’s what happens.

    Also did you stop to think what is your comment bringing to the table here ? It’s just an unnecessarily aggressive comment and doesn’t either provide anything beside telling me I’m wrong and it’s a bad take.

    It’s a bad take to tell people their only means of effective protest is not going through proper channels.

    Steam review bombing is absolutely not the proper channel to voice discontent. It’s a review. Not a forum, not a dev support channel. It’s a review. You are giving your honest feedback on a game. The good and the bad. Not just “the thing everyone told me is bad” and nothing else.

    This is not cool to tell devs their game is trash on the steam page if you don’t really and truthfully think so.

    Absolutely despise th fact that devs have to constantly read their game is trash in steam reviews because some higher-ups decided to go full greed mode.

    So yeah Steam REVIEWS are NOT the proper channel to voice discontent. Almost any other forum or social network is. Just not a steam review page.

  • So you are asking other players to review bomb and try to kill a game you never bought yourself?


    Edit: I think the above conversation is a good example of why I don’t think Steam Review Bombing is the best solution. You get people delivering fake reviews sometimes for games they don’t even play themselves. I understand why they do that I just don’t think that’s the right way to do so. And also thinks it’s not fair for the actual devs working on the project.

  • Sure let’s destroy this game all together because of this issue.

    A well thought out and mature reaction is to pretend the game is bad in the steam reviews even though you clocked 100+ hours into it.

    I mean there is a ton of things Helldivers does better than any other games and we are gonna trash that because of a PSN account requirements ?

    I understand this is a valid issue for certain players but is it a proportionate response to this situation to trash the game on steam? I don’t think so.

  • It all relates to the density of energy in fuel.

    Fossil fuel is so energy dense you can get away with pretty much any way to distribute/dispense.

    what infrastructure are you left with? Trucks?

    Trucks and most importantly thousands of strategically located gas stations. Even if you distribute a different kind and less dense energy I would argue it still makes sense to have spread out stations all over the place.

    If we want to keep using our existing roads and highways we will need those stations even if they distribute something entirely different.

  • The idea of shipping liquid fuel in trucks and dispensing it out of hoses at special fuel stores is just silly.

    I don’t necessarily disagree with that but I hope you see that this type of infrastructure is exactly what we currently have and have proven to work.

    It wouldn’t be that stupid to reuse an existing infrastructure that is already built. The issue with our current fuel infrastructure is that it is moving fossil fuel.

  • I would use the second one as a backup.

    You could use one of these USB SDcard reader and script something that backups the content of the running/live SDcard to the second one on the USB stick. With dd or something you could have an always ready backup SDcard of the RasPi system.

    That or using an old Android phone as a media center and putting the second SDcard in that.

    Or using an old Android phone as a surveillance camera but that would be a bit overkill to have 256Gb.

    Also if you have an early model of the Switch you could hack it to run pi… homebrews and in that case having a super large SDcard could be good.