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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • But that’s the point. It’s already in their hands. There is no ethical and helpful application of AI that doesn’t go hand in hand with these assholes having mostly s monopoly on it. Us using it for ourselves doesn’t take it out of their hands. Yes, you can self-host your own and make it helpful in theory but the truth is this is a tool being weaponized by capitalists to steal more data and amass more wealth and power. This technology is inextricable from the timeline we’re stuck in: vulture capitalism in its latest, most hostile stages. This shit in this time is only a detriment to everyone else but the tech bros and their data harvesting and “disrupting” (mostly of the order that allowed those “less skilled” workers among us to survive, albeit just barely). I’m all for less work. In theory. Because this iteration of “less work” is only tied to “more suffering” and moving from pointless jobs to assistant to the AI taking over pointless jobs to increase profits. This can’t lead to utopia. Because capitalism.

  • But the point is there’s always been a way to avoid ads, even while browsing sites with ads and browsing YT. Personally, if that ability entirely disappears, i hate ads, ad-voice, and the concept of advertising so much that I will stop and close a whole tab if an ad plays. I’m in the minority though. Because, I think you’re right, a lot of people just don’t even think about it and mindlessly consume. I can’t. When Reddit fucked us and showed us our opinions and feelings didn’t matter, I left. I will do the same to YT.

  • Apple has been trying to be the next advertising giant. They’ve been growing their advertising revenue and plan on doubling it this year. They went from $4b ad revenue to $7.5 2022/2023. And if you remember correctly, that was right when you started seeing all their “apple cares about your privacy!” ads and got into it with Facebook. They’re not out here to protect our privacy. They’re trying to take the advertising revenue from the other ad giants and corner that market for themselves.

    Think about it. They have gotten people locked into their OS/ecosystem. They basically hold the advertising golden ticket. They’re not here to make your digital life more private. They’re here to get your data for themselves, locking out the competition. They aim to bring more people into the gate and shut it behind them while extracting all of our advertising milk with their more advanced data udder sucking machine. The pasture looks nice, but when those gates close, the skies darken and the farmer corners you with that look in his eye.

    I don’t know where that metaphor came from. But that’s how I see it in my head. The moo cow with the pretty eyelashes and the shiny bell around her neck is pulled into a false sense of security by the smiling farmer at the gate, but that shit turns dark real quick when she’s locked in.

  • While you have a point, if you’re scared you keep watching/reading and that benefits the companies behind pumping the fear, there is also a pretty goddamn dire situation with climate change. Things are happening much faster than they seemed to expect. Remember it used to be “we won’t have an habitable world in a few hundred years at this rate” and then it was “our children’s children are going to have a tough time,” and then it was “ what kind of world are we leaving for the next generation” and now it’s “um…this is happening.”

    Scientists aren’t interested in scaring you. They’re interested in what the data suggests. And the scientists are freaking the fuck out. This is bad. And we’re not moving at 1% of the speed we should be. That really can’t be downplayed. Is this the end of life as we were promised/told it would be? I don’t mean we’re nose to nose with a mad max reality, more that we are going to start feeling pretty intense effects weather-wise, seeing the global south start to emigrate, feel the effects of a capitalism squeezing the last of our money and labor out of us because even their predictions will see profits dip when people start rioting, dying off, etc. (what they plan on doing with those profits in a dead world, I don’t know. But that’s capitalist brain for you.)

    I’m just saying. We need to really consider if what we’re doing with our time is how we’d want to spend it if it were our last chance in this structure. OP, that doesn’t mean you should dive down a bottle, though. I kinda got that from the subtext of this post.

  • I only want to play single player games. I’m not a super big gamer, but I just want campaigns. I recently got a PS5 and I’ve been struggling to find newer games that have a great single player campaign. RDR2 is my style, it’s my favorite game. The gameplay itself is a little problematic, but it’s gorgeous and the story just gets me where I live. And that’s what I want.

  • I, the same way. I’m in a pretty outspoken city, but I’m a bit more of a just give in and avoid having to yell at people person. I can get upset and yell when need be, but I don’t employ that tactic unless I lose my cool. Otherwise, I’m overly amenable and very much of the mindset “they’re probably having a tough day” or “it’s not really worth it/this doesn’t really affect me more than my slight disappointment.” And then I just get over it. Or sometimes I’ll think more about it later and wish I acted differently, but right now I can’t really think of a time where that happened, so did it really matter in the long run that I didn’t push harder for myself?

    This is all ironic because my face doesn’t usually seem like the face of a nicer person. I grew up with rbf, mainly because I spent my teen years very angry about everything.

  • I think you’re missing what people are saying. They’re saying it’s not about exerting outward influence, but about the editorial bent of the newspaper. What to chase, what not to publish, who to piss off, who not to piss off, what to spend resources on or not. No one can show you an example of this kind of influence in a lemmy comment section. You’d need a research grant and a year’s worth of a team’s dedicated investigation into word choice with inside sources telling them stories that were chased that never got published for some flimsy reason, etc. These things aren’t so neat and concise as to fit into a meme.