You wont see it, you’ll die first because they’re rich enough to prolong their demise.
You wont see it, you’ll die first because they’re rich enough to prolong their demise.
Lol what if microsoft accidenttly gives people a way around that. Want to screenshot something from netflix? Just watch it then look where recall stores all the screenshots!
Also, whats stopping the feature from continuing to run in the background while just not displaying any user-facing controls? If its part of file explorer you wouldnt even see it in the task manager list of current applications.
Maybe I dont want a promotion? I just wanna write code and get paid. Please dont give me more responsibilities.
I dont care if the feature I’ve worked on gets canceled. The lost work is management’s problem, not mine; I still get paid the same.
It not too late to learn a new skill or pick up a new hobby. If you hear of something that sounds fun, dive in!
Similar; caress all around the boob, getting close to the nipple on occasion but not actually touching it. Tease it.
Is this the Nintendo redemption arc?
Darwin awards are reserved for those who remove themselves from the gene pool. Mr Amber Lamps here can probably still put a bun in the oven.
That was 8 years ago, and now he has a crab avatar…
🦀 🦀 🦀
I dont have a general doctor and last time I tried to get help I got profiled as a drug seeker. Its really turned me off trying to get help but maybe I should try again
Coffee did not help me. A few years ago i was averaging 2 liters of coffee per day it was a real problem. I don’t drink coffee anymore.
This is me. Help how do i do stuff?
Just run your prod env in debug mode! Problem solved.
Ohio will remember this. Watch your back, canuck.
I thought having grown up with ADD and having developed my own coping mechanisms and strategies would help me raise an ADD child. Holy shit it is so hard.
Ive noticed that low-brain work is a lot easier to get myself to do. Its like my brain is lazy but my body isnt. Last spring I dug up 125 sqft of grass, lined it with decorative bricks, spread several 100lbs of topsoil, and sowed wildflowers. And before that I busted up 30 feet of sidewalk with a sledghammer and spread 3 cubic yards of fill dirt. All required basically zero brainpower. But godforbid i have to concentrate for 2 hours to diagnose and fix a bug at work! If I could get paid a software dev salary to shovel dirt for 8 hours a day I would in a heartbeat.
Uber driving sounds nice tbh. Phone tells you where to go and what to do. No brain needed.
No, that complicates things way too much. Simplicity in design is beauty. A real engineer would recognize the tag on the string not only as a point a confusion, but also a superfluous feature. Simply remove it. The end user will have to use a spoon supplied by themselves to remove the teabag, but thats their problem. At least there is actually tea in the cup at that point.
Mr beast is popping up in various internet news circles lately because one of his friends/"co-star"s in his youtube videos was just caught grooming a 12 year old. To make things even worse, Mr beast was aware that this friend of his was pedo for years and continued to make videos with him(her). She recently transitioned last year and that was a minor controversy of its own for Mr beast cause most of his audience is cringey transphobic teens and tweens.
Carmeldansen in its original form is legitimately a good song and I actually love the whole album its from.