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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The_Vampire@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI might move again.
    6 months ago

    At the end of the day, it is the moderators who maintain and control the community. They control what users even see, so it’s not fair to say a community is made by the average user, the average user is completely silent. I would rather competing communities over every community being at the whim of the masses. The masses are easy to misguide.

  • The_Vampire@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI might move again.
    6 months ago

    The whole point of the Reddit-style was that subreddits could be controlled by moderators and prevented from slipping into the same old tired town square-esque mess that arrives with popularity. I guarantee a mechanism to remove moderators would result in niche communities that get a surge in popularity winding up with the original moderators ousted because all the newcomers don’t understand the community.

    If you don’t like how a community is run, you can start your own for completely free. That’s how this works, you shouldn’t be able to commandeer a community from the people who started it. If there’s a truly problematic moderator, the new community will grow quickly.

  • The_Vampire@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml6÷2(1+2)
    7 months ago

    Having read your article, I contend it should be:
    and strong juxtaposition should be thrown out the window.

    Why? Well, to be clear, I would prefer one of them die so we can get past this argument that pops up every few years so weak or strong doesn’t matter much to me, and I think weak juxtaposition is more easily taught and more easily supported by PEMDAS. I’m not saying it receives direct support, but rather the lack of instruction has us fall back on what we know as an overarching rule (multiplication and division are equal). Strong juxtaposition has an additional ruling to PEMDAS that specifies this specific case, whereas weak juxtaposition doesn’t need an additional ruling (and I would argue anyone who says otherwise isn’t logically extrapolating from the PEMDAS ruleset). I don’t think the sides are as equal as people pose.

    To note, yes, PEMDAS is a teaching tool and yes there are obviously other ways of thinking of math. But do those matter? The mathematical system we currently use will work for any usecase it does currently regardless of the juxtaposition we pick, brackets/parentheses (as well as better ordering of operations when writing them down) can pick up any slack. Weak juxtaposition provides better benefits because it has less rules (and is thusly simpler).

    But again, I really don’t care. Just let one die. Kill it, if you have to.

  • The_Vampire@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlsoak and jump hump
    7 months ago

    Actual Ex-Mormon who attended BYU here: Soaking was never a thing, I have only ever heard about it on the internet or literally in the context of Mormons laughing about non-Mormons believing in Mormons doing such things (yeah, they’re meta about it).

    What is an actual thing is Mormons getting married super early (for a multitude of reasons, one being the horny). Easily over 70% of the students I knew were married by the time they were seniors in college.

  • A singleplayer open-world sandbox RPG in the vein of Skyrim, but you have powerful abilities on cooldowns like in MOBAs/Overwatch, command troops like in Mount & Blade/Blood of Steel/Conqueror’s Blade, and can go around conquering cities/developing your own nation culturally/socially/technologically/economically/etc. like Civilization but more open-ended where you can do things like decide actual religious doctrine and encourage specific aesthetics/music/social norms.

    Obviously, though, such a game is incredibly ambitious and I don’t think it’ll ever be made, as it takes the most unique and hardest-to-make parts of several other games and then combines them. Still, I’d love to play it.

  • The_Vampire@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAlways wondered how they feel
    7 months ago

    Let’s be real. A lot of people in the comments are saying “it’s just a job”, but that’s irrelevant. Prostitution and stripping are both jobs, and I guarantee those who work in either have a vastly more difficult time finding people okay with that.

    Is it impossible for the significant other to be okay with it? No. Will it be harder to have a relationship? Definitely.

    1. The video’s comment section on its native site is… interesting.
    2. I don’t trust this guy. It feels like he’s just slinging things at the wall that most people could intuit without any research. Yes, sometimes things backfire when you try to stifle them. Sometimes, however, the stifling works (otherwise dictators would have a much harder time ruling). That’s just the way things go.
    3. I’ma need some actual data to back up Youtube’s anti-adblocker experiment succeeding/failing. People are so quick to jump on the ‘it failed’ or ‘it succeeded’ bandwagon but the truth is we simply don’t know the result yet, and may not for a long while.
    4. This could’ve been an email. This guy’s delivery is sprawling and lacks conciseness.

  • Youtube had a space devoid of competition. The next guy doesn’t. If the next guy wants to compete, they have to have all the features of Youtube or people will complain. Many of Youtube’s current features cost money and weren’t present when Youtube started.

    The space is also more regulated now that Youtube exists, meaning the new guy has to follow regulations which normally costs money. When Youtube started, those regulations didn’t exist, because Youtube didn’t exist.

    Youtube got big by building a city in an open field surrounded by nothing but open fields. The next guy has to build a city directly next to Youtube, follow all the same laws as Youtube, and ask you not to drive into Youtube.