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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I have gotten flamed a few times for telling the Linux fanboys the hard truth.

    If I have to hit Terminal even once with an average setup the OS is not ready for mainstream use. No exceptions. It has to work out of the box on the newest systems.

    I use Linux the same way that you have: for a few applications that need a rock solid stable system. Once you get the damn thing setup, it truly is wonderful. Stable, reliable, easy to use. But getting there… Fuck that.

    I think I had one clean distro install where everything worked. The PC was 7 years old when I installed it.

  • Mac did have a better OS than Win 95 -Win98 It was smoother and crashed less.

    The difference was that Windows still ran DOS programs, 5.25" floppy disks etc… They made the decision to maintain backwards compatibility.

    Mac decided to drop support regularly for what they considered “outdated software and technology.” For example: when USB drives came out they canceled support for 3.5" floppies in their OS. Machines that had a 3.5" drive installed could no longer use it. Put a floppy drive in and nothing happened.

    Although Mac was a smoother more stable OS, windows had more functionality and greater compatability. Windows was a far superior product because of it. Even with the regular apearance of the blue screen of death.

    Linux at the time also suffered from being a terminal based OS. Too much like DOS for way too long. I used it for specific tasks where it excelled at.

  • Most companies don’t bother to setup a shell company. International businesses often have an existing distributors in several different countries.

    When one country gets sanctioned a distributor in a neutral country suddenly increases their local sales by the same amount that the one in the sanctioned company used to have.

    I used to work in international business a decade ago. I learned about a customer on the Saudi peninsula who purchased a huge amount of product (1,000x more than their entire market). It was strangely enough to cover Iran not that far away across the Persian Gulf.

  • Just some basics about the company.

    Revenue Income US$8.93 billion (2022)

    Operating income US$4.31 billion (2022)

    Net income US$3.32 billion (2022)

    The bulk of the difference between operating income and net income in a research driven company is the R&D. They are running at 11% just under $1 billion per year. A publically traded company can’t really hide their research costs, only obscure it for the uniformed.

    Their net income is 37% of revenue. So they are paying for over 4 years of research for every year (3 past years plus current gear). So their argument they need the high prices to cover past research costs is pure bullshit. I’d give them the current year and one past year. But 4 years?

    This is pure price gouging for profit over people’s lives. Invalidating their patent is fully justified.

  • I have, I grew up on one in Montana. Part of ranching is protecting your herds from predators. We had black bears, grizzlies, coyotes, cougars, and even wolves around. They almost never bothered our herds. The worst predators was the neighbors mix breed dogs that would chase and attack calves. We shot and buried 5-6 of them every year.

    Ranching means not leaving your herd out in the middle of nowhere without any supervision. It’s a hell of a lot of boring work, but it’s part of the job. It’s a major reason I got the fuck off the ranch as soon as I could.

    Only lazy dumbfuck ignorant morons leave their herds unattended for months on end. Ranchers in Colorado have a hard time leaving their wooly girlfriends long enough to check on their cows.

  • The Mormon church is not setup into separate regional entities like that catholics have done. Their billions are all vulnerable to lawsuits. Instead they have a pet lawfirm that often recommends illegal and unethical practices to squash lawsuits. If the case looks to be going badly they toss higher and higher settlement numbers to get out of it. They do not want to go through discovery and have to disclose exactly how much money they have (est. several hundred billion)It’s been an extremely effective solution so far.

    For example: At one point they made up more than 50% of the boyscouts. They had less checks and protocols for keeping pedophile’s out. They completely dodged all the large lawsuits because they were much better at hiding the horrendous amount of abuse.

    The Mormon owned universities have rampant sexual assault issues. You rarely see them reported because the victims are punished for coming forward. The university police force is used to suppress these reports as well.

  • Jail won’t do anything. You have to hit them where it hurts. We need to make criminal behavior cost them personally.

    Minimum fine = 100% of all gross revenue generated from the illegal activity. This fine will be paid out of personal assets of the guilty executives first, then sezuire of stocks as assets of the board of directors and major stockholders. If this equals the governments owning a controlling interest in the company, then it is converted to an employee owned entity.