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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • Everyone has a limited time on this earth. Some of us don’t mind or actively enjoy spending that time learning about the technology we use. Others, not so much. I think this comic is really spot on because it’s hard to understand as a tech literate person just how little other people may know. “What browser are you using?” “What’s a browser?”

    The foundational knowledge is not that tough, but when you’re just interested in getting the damn thing to work so you can get on with your life, it’s easy to get frustrated by having to take a crash course on what the hell a BIOS is before you can try to fix it. And when you learn all that just for it to still be broken, patience quickly runs out.

    As long as people have the general understanding that power cycling will solve a good 75% of issues, I’m happy. I hope people give me the same grace when I pay a someone to fix my car or replace my phone screen (I love building computers, but god I hate working on phones).

  • I hate the confusion that “do you mind” questions cause.

    “Do you mind if I turn off the light?”

    What is meant in response: “No (I don’t mind)”

    What’s said instead: “Yes”

    I feel like two people never really know how the other will interpret it, so you almost always have to say something like “yes, go ahead” or “no, I don’t mind” (or “no, go ahead”). If they do respond just “yes” or “no”, I feel like I have to ask for clarification.

    Also can we get the meaning of “semi-” and “bi-” figured out? I generally love the oddities of evolving language so long as we can all still be understood, but these two always require clarification.

    Bi-annual: Every two years.
    Semi-annual: Twice a year

    Make it a law!

  • For a lot of people, elections (particularly national elections) don’t impact their day to day life. For some, though, the outcome of those national elections are very important. If you are, for example, trans, national elections around this time could alter the course of the trans civil rights movement. The president with their power to veto may be the only one capable of halting anti-trans bills if conservatives have a slim majority in the Senate and House. That’s why many trans people must concern themselves with politics and current events, must know what platforms candidates are running on and how the public is responding, must know what to expect and plan for the worst. Likewise with state and local elections, which may radically alter the life plans of a trans person. Thus, a trans person must know what’s happening now, what will happen next, and what they can expect for the future

    The same applies to the right to abortion, or access to Healthcare for those dealing with long-term illness, or those attempting to unionize for better working conditions. When these things affect you directly, and when candidates are running on taking away the protections you need, you can’t afford to live in blissful ignorance.

    So please, if you care about any of these groups, do spend a little time getting up to speed and drawing your own conclusions so you can vote in a way that you believe will improve the lives of your fellow citizens