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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Go home and get a nice quiet sleep.

    The only people engaging in magical thinking are the people who use the phrase as a defense mechanism in their articles. How long the Russo-Ukrainian war lasts is irrelevant as Russia will never stop until it runs out of countries to conquer or collapses. We are better off if Russia collapses into its constituent entities.

  • I don’t feel safer because I’ve seen the slide towards fascism way before Trump and I know it will continue towards fascism because this slide includes the support and enabling of Democrats. There is no getting off this train by just electing Biden or the next assless Democrat who will just watch as fascists consolidate power.

    Our decent into fascism started with Regan. Although it can be argued Republicans were trying even earlier with Nixon, they just screwed it up.

    Democrats are controlled by neoliberals. But they are the most progress option we have and their party includes most of the progressive politicians that we have. Older politicians are finally aging out. Given enough time Democrats could be become a true progressive party and an effective deterrent against fascism. In the mean time, they are the only alternative.

    I want the Democratic party to be more progressive, but I know voting for them is only way to stop a fascist takeover from happening.

    It’s really telling to me you still consider this a democracy that is against genocide. The President is literally funding and arming a genocide that is happening right now. And when the choice is between a President who supports genocide or a President who supports worse genocide, how is that not already a dictatorship? How is that a functioning democracy? That is why it is even a question.

    Biden supports Israel’s right to defend itself, not genocide. Netanyahu and his government chose to commit war crimes, not Biden. Biden has of course gotten this issue wrong. He should be demanding a ceasefire, among other things. Hopefully given enough pressure Biden will change his stance.

    What’s been weird about this argument is the commitment to equivocating two individuals who could not be more different. Biden is a neoliberal. Trump is a fascist. Everyone can spot the difference. No one can be fooled by such a thinly veiled deception unless they choose to be. Why are you letting yourself be fooled? The people who want our country to descend into fascism don’t have our best interests at heart. Why go so willingly to our deaths at the hands of the Republicans? The Palestinians won’t be better off with America as a fascist dictatorship. The only way to help the Palestinians, ourselves, or anyone else is with a democracy. Do you just want to guilt trip me or do you think it will somehow get better if we lose our democracy? edit: typo

  • But you haven’t stopped fascism by voting for Biden, you’ve supported it.

    By electing Biden we stopped the fascist takeover in America by another four years. By not voting for Biden, you helped Trump, a fascist.


    Yep. The truth is Russia lies.

    Your vote didn’t stop fascism.

    The fascists need to control all three branches of government to complete their take over. We are currently denying them the executive branch. By controlling the Senate as well, we retain the means to appoint judges at all levels of the federal government, not just the Supreme Court. Undoing the damage done by Trump, getting a liberal majority on the Supreme Court and fixing the flaws in our democracy that enabled the fascists in the first place could easily take decades. And during that time we are always going to be one election away from the fascists taking over all three branches of the federal government. We’re going to be voting fascists out of office and preventing fascists from taking office for a while. I believe as long as people continue to tell each other about the danger these fascists present to us all then we will continue to beat them in elections.

    He’s been a friend and suporter of Netanyahu for over 40 years, almost half a century; he has continued funding, arming, and militarily as well as politically defending Israel while they commit genocide, but somehow none of that doesn’t make him a fascist supporter yet? Oh, but I didn’t know he was forced to be friendly with fascists. He has little recourse but to deal with fascist genociders, what a shame. Yet he has full power to not recognize or deal with states like Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and so on. Weird how that works. It’s almost as if he wants to be on friendly terms with the far Right in Israel for some reason, but I guess I just don’t understand the high levels of geopolitics

    Right, the US has been supporting Israel for over 70 years. By your logic, everyone in America is a fascist. Rather than acknowledging the complexity of the Israel-Palestine conflict, you want it to be simple. Israel is bad so America is bad. Biden is American therefore he is bad. The fact that Jews were the victims of the holocaust and Biden wants to foster a country where they can live in peace is simply not a possible motivation as far as you’re concerned. He must want to enable the far right extremists to commit genocide. I could go into detail about I how I think the state of Israel centered in the ‘Holy Land’ was a terrible mechanism to achieve lasting peace for anyone. Problem is we inherited a globe carved up by indifferent Europeans who had no idea what they were doing when they drew the maps. We can try to fix these problems or we can enjoy a position of moral superiority that comes with taking sides. I’m choosing the former.

    Yeah, those Palestinian children are much safer in the ground surrounded by their families. You have supported fascism, not everyone is safer because of it. Fascists are safer, though, there’s that at least.

    More Palestinian children would be dead if the fascists were in power under Trump. You ignoring that isn’t making me look like a fascist.

    edit: typos