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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • The Trump Org and various campaign entities have, of course, denied that any wrongdoing took place, and denied that Trump had knowledge or direct involvement in compensation issues.

    “We didn’t do anything wrong, and even if we did, Trump himself didn’t do it.”

    This is undermined by the multiple witnesses in the trial which just ended, who repeatedly testified that Trump insists on hand signing every single check that is for more than a certain amount of money. It has varied over time, but usually something relatively low, like $10k. He is characterized as a relentless micromanager when it comes to money, and is famous for (and constantly brags about) fighting every financial charge, and never paying a penny more than he has to.

    It would not be reasonable to assume that large payouts or appointments to high up positions within any Trump org could happen without Trump’s knowledge and approval.

    This brings us back to:

    The Trump Org and various campaign entities have, of course, denied that any wrongdoing took place, and denied that Trump had knowledge or direct involvement in compensation issues.

    This was essentially his exact defense in that NY criminal trial, and the jury didn’t buy it.

  • The Internet immediately worked, which is one big difference. The dot com financial bubble has nothing to do with the functionality of the internet.

    In this case, there is both a financial bubble, and a “product” that doesn’t really work, and which they can’t make any better (as he admits in this article.)

    It was obvious from day 1 how useful the Internet would be. Email alone was revolutionary. We are still trying to figure out what the real uses for LLM are. There appear to be some valid use cases outside of creating spam and plagiarizing other people’s work, but it doesn’t appear to be any kind of revolutionary technology.

  • Hey, we found one!

    Not seriously, “men’s rights activists” are a specific group of people that only exist to complain about and hate women. They don’t care about men’s rights, they are anti-feminists.

    If you genuinely didn’t know this, then I’d love to know what Internet rock You’ve been hiding under. If you’re trying to concern troll, fuck off, MRAs are fucking scum.

    -signed, a man.

  • Lol. It doesn’t do video generation. It just takes existing video and makes it look weird. Image generation is about the same: they just take existing works and smash them together, often in an incoherent way. Half the text generation shit is just fine by underpaid people in Kenya Ave and similar places.

    There are a few areas where llm could be useful, things like trawling large data sets, etc, but every bit of the stuff that is being hyped as “AI” is just spam generators.

  • It was this judge that put the initial partial gag order in place, and when he did it he basically said, “you can talk shit about me all you want,I believe that too be your right, just don’t bring my staff into it.”

    Then when Trump continued to bring up his clerk, the judge fined him what he was allowed to, which was something like $10k. Wish it could be more, but them’s the rules.

    As has been stated elsewhere in this thread, the various judges on these cases are giving Trump and team a lot of leeway, because they don’t want anything overturned on appeal. This judge has actually shut a lot of nonsense down, while allowing other nonsense to go forward, while being extremely sarcastic about it. He also just told Trump that he won’t be able to testify (ie rant) during closing arguments in this case.

  • It’s a stupid protest, because the only reason any third party people are on the ballot is because they want to be Biden spoilers. Jill Stein is a Russian op, for example.

    None of these “third parties” even run in want local, or even any federal elections besides president. They are fake parties, why would you encourage that sort of thing? To “say” you don’t like Biden enough? You think these Russian and GOP dark money funded people are more worthy of your vote?