• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • I don’t understand why Republicans are so strongly on Israel’s side at this point. I think almost everyone was on Israel’s side on Oct 7th but since then there have been over 35,000 Palestinian deaths, including women and children, and their infrastructure has been obliterated. Israeli losses since Oct 7th only come to 260 soldiers.

    Why would anyone suggest nuking Gaza? Oct 7th was terrible but it wasn’t perpetrated by the millions of people in Gaza. It was perpetrated by the terrorist group that rules Gaza and, at this point, it seems they aren’t much of a threat.

    The only reasons I could see for nuking Gaza are:

    • To kill all Gaza s before the new crop of radicals being cultivated by Israel’s brutality become ripe.
    • To try to create a broader conflict with the Islamic world.

  • I don’t really understand a few things about this conflict.

    • What prompted Israel to bomb Iran’s embassy in Syria? I know there are tensions between Israel and Iran. I also know that Israel has been targeting Hezbula targets in Syria. Why attack Iranian generals in Syria?
    • Why would Israel think that they can attack an Iranian embassy without reprisal?
    • Why is Israel acting like the aggrieved party in this instance where they appear to be the aggressor?
    • Why does Israel think it is a good idea to add another front to their current conflict? A stronger front than the one they are currently fighting?

  • If I came across as derisive, I didn’t mean to. I was genuinely trying to ask what you meant.

    I don’t know how it is possible for me to be vindictive when I don’t know you. I don’t want revenge against you. You’ve done nothing to me.

    I wasn’t going to accuse you of any kind of moral failing and am not sure why you took my response as a personal attack on your moral character.

    You stated that “legal systems are plain and simply bad ideas” and that “people need to have the ultimate authority to handle business on their own again”. That sounds like you are advocating a return to something that existed in the past where people could act autonomously, without regard for the legal system.

    I am responding that I don’t think that people have ever had the “ultimate authority to handle business on their own” and am wondering if you can give an explanation of what you are suggesting. I’m arguing that, when presented with anarchy, humans will always tend to create social structures and legal systems.

  • Okay, I’m genuinely curious, can you elaborate on what you’re advocating? What time in human history do you think we should return to? Tribalism?

    I don’t think there has ever been a period of time where there wasn’t some form of social organization. Humans are naturally social and tend to create social groups with rules and enforcement mechanisms. Even if we were to start with a blank slate where there were no governments, companies, tribes, or social groups, humans would quickly recreate them because we have evolved to make use of social structures. We are stronger as a group than individually and groups only survive by having rules and methods of enforcement.

  • Okay, so here’s some more easily interpreted numbers. In addition to having the largest change in traffic share relative to its previous share, Linux actually had the largest change in actual traffic share. It was just BARELY above Mac OS. If more significant digits were allowed here, Linux rose 0.0085 while Mac OS rose 0.0082.

    OS 2023 Share 2022 Share Share Change
    Windows 0.632 0.647 -0.015
    Mac OS 0.292 0.284 0.008
    Linux 0.036 0.027 0.009
    Chrome Book 0.029 0.026 0.003
    Other 0.011 Unknown* 0.005*

    2022 percentages computed as:

    share_2022 = share_2023 / ( 1 + relative_percent_change )

    and percent change computed as:

    absolute_percent_change = share_2023 - share_2022

    * The relative percent change for “other” is not reported in the graphic. There is a remainder of 0.005 in the Share Change which is, presumably, attributable to change in the “other” category.

    Last year’s results

    I just found last year’s results. It looks like my math bears out, though it appears that they rounded differently.

    Notably, last year’s changes were very different.

    OS 2022 Share 2021 Share Share Change
    Windows 0.647 0.646 0.001
    Mac OS 0.284 0.273 0.011
    Linux 0.028 0.028 0.000**
    Chrome Book 0.025 0.025 0.000**
    Other 0.011 Unknown*** 0.015***

    ** Linux and Chrome Book’s absolute change was less than 0.0005.

    *** As with 2023, the percentage change for “other” is not reported in the graphic. There is a remainder of 0.012 in the Share Change which is, presumably, attributable to change in the “other” category. This seems large, though, given that the total traffic share for “other” is only 0.016. That would imply a change from 0.001 to 0.012. Looking at the 2021 numbers this doesn’t appear to be correct.