• 48 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It is a bad thing as it happened just at a transitional period in chargers. If it was just another USB A connector, then it wouldn’t have been an issue. But we are now in the transition of USB C chargers and most people don’t have a “box of them”.

    Newer devices are advertising that they have ever faster charging options, but these need the newer USB C connectors to reach these advertised speeds, which as I mentioned, most people don’t already have. So you are stuck buying another thing to use what they were advertised as having.

  • Seems everyone jumped to conclusions about this article.

    Yes, iPhones are blocked because they lack security. This is military, so they aren’t worried about basic malware. They are worried about government level security issues (Pegasus, etc…). And let’s be blunt, on this level, Apple keeps showing that they lack security in the real world situations. Yet the latest of a long list of iPhones being targeted and hacked.

    Now, where people seem to be badly jumping to conclusions is that the article points out that “many” devices will be banned, so no, I doubt the latest Samsung Galaxy phone will be allowed. They are most likely going to require people use a Samsung Tactical Edition smartphone. These are designed for military usage and prevent phones from being secretly turned on for recording private conversations by hacks like Pegasus. These phones have been around for a few years now, and have likely been thoroughly tested and approved now.

    This isn’t some knee-jerk patriotic requirement, but a real understanding of what is and isn’t a secure device, combined with the fact that Korea has to deal with a more and more aggressive China. They need real security for real world military.

  • It’s not an all or nothing with the economy and the president, but they do have some sway in some ways. Easy examples would be Biden’s Build Back Better Plan can help change the American economy, and if he does get elected to a second term, it will show results then.

    On the other side, Trump pushed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This has caused the deficit to climb, and didn’t help spur any economic growth (in fact:

    A study by the Federal Reserve Bank similarly found that corporations bought-back stock and paid down debt, rather than undertake either new capital expenditure or investment in research & development.

    And many of the issues of this truly Act became an issue starting in 2021, which if Trump was in office, would have been reflected on his presidency. (It’s part of the issues Biden has been having with the economy).

  • They said that with a wink and a nod. In truth, they are still very against the right to repair.

    They still have “parts pairing” (aka, hardware DRM) that prevents you from repairing your own devices. And as it’s DRM, you would have to have laws written that would allow you to break the copyright protection baked into each piece, which won’t happen as Apple (and mostly every other company) will fight it claiming that X lawmaker supports piracy, wants to water down IP protection, etc…