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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yeah. I try not to mention it to people if I can avoid it. I work construction and am surrounded by manly men tring to out man each other. I had one guy offer me bear jerkey and got bent out of shape when I declined. He wouldn’t stop. He just kept on me about why I didn’t eat meat. After about an hour of him asking again and again why I don’t eat meat I said “meat’s another word for dick and eating dick is gay”. As problematic as it was, it worked.

    It never cases to amaze me that a 250pound dude with a 40oz soda in one hand and a mouthfull of gas station pizza thinks he has the responsibility to lecture me about nutrition.

  • It’s this exactly. The minute you stop learning, or think you know it all, is the minute you start declining. There is always something new to learn, some new innovation, a new system or procedure. I believe this is true for absolutely everything. I think it’s why older generations get bitchy about “these kids today” too. Shit changes and people stagnate because they know it all already.

    But just keep a clear head, know that life is dynamic and try to find the joy in the process of getting better, don’t get hung up on the goal of doing it perfect or being the best. Anyone of value will recognize your effort to simply improve.

  • I’ve been a carpenter since I was 18 and a finish carpenter since i was 30. I’ll be 52 this year. So I’ve been doing this for 34 years. By all regards, I’m an expert in my field. My work has been on magazine covers, my work has won awards for architects and designers. I’m known by name by top builders and firms in my area. I now run jobs as a superintendent and/or project manager. I get calls to come work for other companies on the regular.

    I still have zero idea why. Like, I just tell people what to do in an order that makes sense. And before that, I beat nails into wood. It wasn’t till about 3 or 4 years ago when my wife took me aside and explained to my face that, yeah, I’m really good at my job that I started to realize that, yeah, I’m pretty good at my job. But everyday, driving in, I’m still just a kid that’s in over his head. I don’t feel confident at work. I know on one level I’m doing OK, I mean I must be, right? But I just come in and do my best and hope it’s good enough. Turns out, that it usualy is good enough.

    And I can tell you this. Anyone that walks around super confident in their work, usually sucks at their job. I’ve seen dozens of people claim that they’re the best around, only to get axed or laid off as soon as possible. Don’t bother being confident in your work, be confident that you’re doing the best that you can do and be confident that you have the ability to keep learning.

  • Most of his cult loves him because of this. They love that he’s mean, and a bully, and selfish. He acts like they want to but can’t. They’d have repercussions and consequences, he doesn’t. They get to see a guy behave like they dream about behaving and get away with it. They know exactly who he is, they aren’t being fooled, he’s not conning them. He’s a hero to them because he holds up to the ideals they truly believe in. They totally realize who and what he is. They worship him because of it, not in spite of it.