• 24 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Renters rights legislation with enough teeth to make present and perspective landlords, both corporate and individual, think twice before not taking care of a property as though they lived there? (

    Isn’t it mostly an issue on the US side of the pond (and in other third worlds countries). I believe that most European countries have minimum standards regarding renter right, it’s not perfect (and reality is that changing a furnace takes weeks). But every time I read about US feel likes dystopia.

  • Summer

    • No need for rain-clothe, or warm clothe

    • Outdoor activities are possible without damaging the gear due to the humidity, and if you like water even outdoor swim became possible

    • Having sunlight up to 22 or even 23 is pretty great, you can have a late dinner outdoor, or get some beers in the parks with your friends. It’s also safer to come back home, especially if you ride a bicycle or are a woman.

    • Many people are in holidays, so things are quieter

  • The last summer before the “brexit” I went to scotland, one of the classic hike there is going atop the Ben nevis mountain. Even though in summer it’s not a complicated hike, I still bought a paper map to not be yet another tourist lost in the mist, I have a limited trust in mobile phone map in outdoor activity, especially when the weather isn’t optimal.

    Question was triggered as I stumbled open that map when sorting some stuff on my bookshelves.

  • AI is being used to replace a lot of jobs, but companies usually do not want to advertise that.

    I would be careful with that statement.

    I’ve been involved in some projects about “leveraging on data” to reduce maintenance costs. And a big pitfall is that you still someone to do the job. Great, now, you know that the “Primary pump” is about to break. You still need to send a tech to replace-it, and often you have to deal with a user who can’t afford to turn the system off until the repair is done, and the you can’t let someone work alone in the area. So you end-up having to send 2 persons asap to repair the “primary pump”.

    It’s a bit better in term of planning/ressources than “Send 2 persons to diagnose what’s going wrong, get the part and do the repair”, which allows to replace engineer able to do a diagnostic by technicians able to execute a procedure (which is itself an issue as soon as you have to think out of the box). It allow to have a more dynamic “preventive maintenance planning”. So somehow, it helped cutting down the maintenance costs and improve system reliability. But in the end, you still need staff to do the repair. And I let alone, all the manpower needed to collect/process the data, hardware engineer looking on how to integrate sensor in the machines, data-engineer building a data-base able to use these data, data-scientists building efficient algorithm, product maintenance expert trying to make-sense of these data and so on.

    I feel like, a big chunk of the AI will be similar, with some jobs being cut down (or less qualified) while tons of new jobs will take over

  • Yes, it also seems that the “delete” do not federated that well, and may come late.

    However, on proprietary social media, d deleted posts are just “hidden”, and there is various way to see deleted, moderated posts.

    Despite laws like"right to be forgotten" and GDPR, assume that once you posted something on Internet it’ll be there forever. Not a big deal if it’s a graduation picture, or your time at last week end Marathon. More annoying if it’s nude or a rant about “lazy immigrants stealing our jobs to get welfare

  • Because you talk about hobby, what about LARP ?

    It’s creative, is about problem solving, and involves a lot of skills including

    • Sewing and crafting, the community has a huge DIY culture (even though nowadays, there is a few brands doing larp fashion, and it’s cheaper to buy and chainmail, than to buy it’s weight in steel wire). So getting all these awesome kits is the opportunity to craft a lot

    • Acting : As it’s name stand larp is about role-playing, which is basically improvisation theatre with a scenario known only by the director. So you try to put up your best acting to be a realistic, mafia boss, naive kid, or lord

    • Problem solving and social interactions : Larp are a social game, where people face a common problem and need to find a solution, while finding the right balance between their character faction/interest and the common interest. So there is a lot of social negotiation (often around some spiced wine), mystery investigation, and exploration to solve the main problem

    • Combat, in some larp, if you play a fighter character, you may even have the opportunity to fight. On my experience, I end-up fighting in less than half of the game, there is game with no combats, games where my character either can fight or is too busy with other stuff to fight, and some games where I go fighting.

  • As in, is any law that restricts people’s freedom to do something

    The problem of this approach is that in that case you refuse any law. Even anarchist would agree that a stateless society need people to agree on common rules.

    Speed limit ? restrict your freedom to do something, private property ? Restrict your freedom to go where you want, does restricting your freedom to commit murder feels authoritarian ?

    Now what’s more authoritarian ? having the state protecing your right to have slave ? Or having the state protecting people freedom by not letting someone enslave them.