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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Yeah, trust me, Linux Gaming used to be real shit. “When it works it works” is lightyears better than it used to be.

    I remember in my linux-only years, trying to muddle through linux exclusives. Oftentimes you had to be super careful because linux doesn’t love prepared binaries

  • abraxas@sh.itjust.workstolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldTwo moods
    9 months ago

    I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate WSL with a passion that makes me scream. It has BSOD-looped a computer on me before. WSL is the only thing worse than making Linux work on something like a Legion.

    Adding Docker Desktop on top of WSL is just a disasterpiece, and I have to work against a large dev docker cluster on a regular basis.

    But if I’m being honest, none of that matters for gaming.

  • I mean, I freaking LOVE linux. And for what it’s good for, it’s the best of the best. I’ve never had a better dev experience than in Ubuntu, mostly because WSL is a pale shadow of a good unix backend (and because Macs, while good, are still subpar for that purpose). But that means I’m already committing 40 hours a week to maintaining and using my machine!

    But for gaming? For casual use? I dunno. The hardware has to be hand-picked carefully, as do the games.

  • This seems to be the Windows/Linux yinyang in gaming.

    If you go through the effort (or non-effort. It really seems to be luck-based) of getting a gaming rig working in linux, 99% of the time it is simply better at everything, crashes less, etc. The 1% can require hours or more of troubleshooting.

    Windows runs slower and worse than linux, and arguably less stable. But you boot up, click play, and (largely) it just plays.

    That’s also my recent experience with Ubuntu on a gaming laptop. Every single step of the way gives me trouble, but when I manage to run something in the linux side, boy does it run well. So I’ve got this nice “todo” since I already blew my only free day on it last weekend.

  • abraxas@sh.itjust.workstolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldTwo moods
    9 months ago

    Well that too. The real joke is that despite the fact we’ve had 10 “years of the linux desktop”, it’s still an absolute bitch to get PICK A GAME working on that shiny linux box.

    My new Lenovo Legion, I’m struggling with desktop graphics tearing issues in linux (just viewing the WM, of all things). When i have time, I’ll muddle through it, but I can’t pretend that is easier in linux than windows. It’s vendor-driven, sure, but the end user doesn’t care why they waste 8 hours doing setup work, only THAT they do.

  • Congress, the Senate and the presidency were made together, each checking and balancing the other.

    The 14th Amendment didn’t exist when the country was founded. When the 14th Amendment did exist, its authors recognized the real risk of Congress being complicit in treason. In fact, Trump’s initial defense is that “President” isn’t an officer and that this only involved Congress.

    Are you telling me that the authors of the 14th Amendment thought “if the traitors manage to get a majority in congress, then we don’t remove them for treason anymore”?

    …it sounds like you’re following this idealistic and oversimplified view of government. The dissenting judges in the Colorado case brought up a few reasonable arguments, but the ones you’re citing aren’t them. Nowhere in the Constitution does Congress get the right to prevent a candidate from running for president. In fact, THAT is intentional because Congress is a political body.

  • And if we incorrectly apply false justice then it’s likely to come back and bite us in the ass.

    I agree 100%

    The case against Trump must be watertight. The Senate and courts in two states don’t believe this is the case.

    I’m arguing elsewhere in this thread that we need to be careful to dot our I’s and cross our T’s in serving justice, but we’re talking about the Bad Faith argument here, and not whether the case against Trump was watertight. It doesn’t matter if we have a watertight case against Trump, Republicans will try to use this against us. It doesn’t matter if we took this action or not, Republicans will try to do things like this against us anyway.

    But to your point (which is a real tangent), there’s no reason or precedent to apply a criminal burden of proof to a non-criminal statutory requirement, despite the fact some judges seem to want to. The Criminal burden of proof is extremely high because the consequences of criminal conviction are dramatic and possibly horrific, far worse than someone simply being left off a federal ballot. People have already been criminally convicted of collaborating with Trump to commit crimes. By even some civil burdens of proof, Trump has already been found liable for his role in the insurrection attempt.

  • Yeah. Not just NY, either. About a decade back where I live we called the cops about a curb-stomping we witnessed living across the street from the local bar. We had our radio on. Here was the timeline.

    1. We call and report it
    2. Bouncer comes outside of the bar and says “I just got a call there’s a fight going on. You guys gotta break it up; the cops are coming”
    3. Wait 5 minutes, as the victim gets told to leave and “go clean up” and the attacker walks back into the bar.
    4. Dispatch (who has been quiet) reports on radio that somebody reported a fight in front of that bar
    5. Wait 5 more minutes (did I mention the station is about 0.5 miles from this bar? In a small town with no traffic?)
    6. One officer shows up, looks around without asking anyone anything
    7. Radio back to dispatch “no fight here”

    The end. We identified ourselves in our report, the officer declined to visit and question us. There were at least 5 eyewitnesses, and we live in a town that they’d probably talk… but nope.

  • Actually, the far right are more likely to turn to violence every time they lose, period. That’s always been the way of things. You’re conflating the Left’s values with the Right. The Right do not care about Democracy. Have you never sat through one of those fascist fucks “we’re not a Democracy, we’re a Republic” defense of minority tyranny? They care about winning at all costs. They’re as likely to turn violent is they lose 90/10 as if they lose because their leader was convicted of a felony or taken off a ballot for legitimate reasons.