• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • You may have a specific deficiency, but your story does not constitute data.

    There have been many studies that have addressed this specific issue. Literally billions of dollars are wasted every year on these supplements. If you have a healthy diet, you are very unlikely to need supplementation.

    This is the availability bias, because your experience is normal for you, you unconsciously think your experience is more normal than it is.

  • Many years ago, I was supervising at a supermarket checkout. An older lady (late 50’s / early 60’s) started berating one of the young checkout girls, she was newish about 16yo.

    I over heard, it was hard not to after a little while. I walked over, I was 19 at the time. I’m not a big guy 5’9" and weighed around 60kg (checks math…132lb). The old woman sees me and begins to go into a rant, to which I simply said, get the fuck out of my store. It was latish (8:30pm), there were no managers left in store.

    She went into (what is now called) full karen mode, ranting about calling my manager. I got a bit pf paper and wrote my managers and the store managers numbers down with their names and said, “go ahead, call them”. She quickly calmed down and went to go stand back in line…I said, “no I told you to get out”.