• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Since they became its government lmfao. Since they were fighting against imperialist encroachment and control over their country. The American backed puppet government operating out of the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh certainly isn’t the recognized government of Yemen. It is not just Ansarallah in the Yemeni government, it’s multiple parties that were not previously allies now ruling as a unified central government. The alternative government is literally just the Saudi military. It has absolutely no popular support and it controls a steadily dimishing portion of the country.

  • If enforcing a total blockade in Bab Al mandeb will harm israeli and world capitalist economy enough to pressure them into ending the genocide, then it is the duty of all who are able to enforce it. As long as the genocide is being carried out Bab Al mandeb will be restricted. Yemen is the only country courageous and moral enough to put pressure where it counts to end the genocide. While the genocidal United States cynically uses “international law” to ensure its continuation. It’s the duty of all actors to do everything in their ability to stop genocide.

  • Not even hamas supports mass killings of Israelis. Hamas’s position is military resistance until Palestine is liberated. Subjugating people and standing in the way of their liberation puts you at danger of violence. The only one responsible for that is you. If Israelis chose to accept Palestinians as equals, payed reparations, and became Palestinian citizens, no one would have a problem with them. Israel of course is not willing to accept the Palestinians it ethnically cleansed and those it occupies because it is a fascist ethno state.

    Yemen, not “the houthis” is the only country in the world brave enough to stand up and fight against genocide in the face of the US. Iran backing the resistance is a point in it’s favor, not against it or the resistance. Iran is supporting antimperialism and it should be commended for doing so.

    Good job on ticking every box on the islamophobic white supremacist demonization checklist. You were propagandized well.

  • You are assuming that this somehow clashes with American goals or strategy. America has done this a million times already. Their bombing of Korea constituted genocide. It killed 20% of the population. This time it’s someone else doing it for them. They’ve outsourced genocide many times as well, like in Indonesia. Of course in addition to the genocide of the natives that the country is built on and perpetrates to this day. America is the one enforcing this situation in Palestine and the region.

  • The country supplying arms for genocide is bombing the only country that is trying to put an end to it. Yemen is imposing sanctions on Israel because it is committing genocide. Israel should be sanctioned by the entire world. The united states imposes debilitating deadly sanctions on countries for decades simply because they are not under its boot. The United States is evil and no amount of propaganda is going to change that.

  • That Israel is not a colonial state. All it’s founders defined it as a European colonial project. It was and is allied with all the colonial powers and projects like Britain, the US, apartheid south Africa, and Rhodesia. Its funding association was called the Palestine Jewish colonization association. It’s bank was called the Jewish colonial trust. The Jewish national fund and the Zionist project at large was from the beginning concerned with building segregated colonies.

    First, lands were bought with foreign funding from feudal land lords, and their inhabitants were entirely dispossessed, kicked out. Then when awareness of the ultimate goals of the Zionist project crystalized and resistance against Palestinian dispossession mounted, the lands were ethnically cleansed by force and the people massacred. 700 to 800 thousand Palestinians were ethnically cleansed in one continuous military operation that spanned two years from 1947 to 1948.

    Zionist leaders fully acknowledged that Palestinian demographics were a core issue to the Zionist project, that the Palestinian population had to be removed at any cost, which is exactly what Israel did. What lead to the Palestinians being defenseless in this situation? Colonial Britain abetted the formation of heavily armed Zionist militias with soldiers numbering in the tens of thousands. The arms of Britain’s colonial military presence were inherited by the Zionist forces that it supported. All this while Britain summarily excecuted any Palestinian found in possession of a firearm.

    This is not to mention the enthusiastic support of european antisemites for the Zionist project, or its strict early opposition by antifascist jews.

    The idea that Israel has any right to exist on Palestinian land is a lie that has been so heavily proliferated, it has to be debunked when it should be paid no consideration at all.