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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • That’s true, I’m sorry.

    There were some twitter accounts worth following, but after what happened over there I don’t know if any of them are still active. Likewise there were some subs in Reddit that had decent amounts of factual posts, but I don’t know about them anymore either.

    Other than that, what’s wrong with piecing together news from the most reliable sources? The Guardian has excellent coverage of the war. Anything that goes on for this long will obviously suffer from some story-fatigue but they’re at least more trustworthy than anything from Russia.

    It’s called fog of war for a reason though, you’re never going to get 100% unbiased and correct information about ongoing battles, for opsec reasons if nothing else.

  • The only relevant answer is that nobody knows for sure. Ukraine is doing their very best but they’re fighting not only Russia but also the combined effort of all the fuckwits that support Russia materially, i.e. China, Iran and North Korea etc. it’s not exactly an easy position to be in, even if their tech is of lower quality than what we have in the west they’re also able to churn out a lot more, and that shows.

    On the other hand, it’s pretty telling that Russia is resorting to what amounts to long range terror bombing in between human wave attacks. They used up a lot of manpower last summer, and it can’t be easy to replace those losses. They do have access to a lot more human resources, but again, of dubious quality.

    Russia is certainty hoping for another 4 years of the orange fuckwit in the White House though. That’s where the real danger is. If that happens all bets are off.

  • Better conversations, and less echo chambers in general. I know exactly who’ll disagree with that notion too, but that has been my experience.

    The right-wingers that did come over are obviously butthurt to hell since they can’t abuse the report function and get backed by obviously biased mods like they do on Reddit. It’s easier to simply ignore them here, as well, even though they’re around as always.

    Hell, half the comments in this very thread seem to be bitching about “Marxism” like it’s something that anyone gives half a shit about in today’s world. They need their bubble, and they seem to be angry they didn’t get this one, too.

    Also people are generally more tech-savvy here than there, for obvious reasons. That’s a plus.

  • I’ve used Dropbox since literally their first year of creation and I’ve never experienced a single one of these issues. I use it mostly as a portable library and all I need is 2 mins of any internet connection to download any book(s) I want to read to a local device. Mind you this is on their free plan, so I’ve never paid a cent to them either. Requires me to periodically transfer older books to another long term solution, but that is just a few mouse clicks. I’ve read hundreds if not more ebooks this way. Since I prefer .mobi (which I can even read IN dropbox if I want) I can upload straight to dropbox after converting from .epub.

    I mean, it sounds frustrating, but your experience with them sounds extremely weird to me.

    At least to me they’ve been the best cloud provider by far, for what it’s worth.

    With that said, I don’t especially like that they’re doing this even though my specific content is mostly available in any number of places anyway, given that it’s literature.