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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • One that might be controversial: OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I still have a lot of respect for this distro and I really wanted to like it but it’s just not for me. It’s the fact that major updates could occur any day of the week, which could be time-consuming to install or they could change the features of the OS. It always presented a dilemma of whether to hold back updates which might include holding back critical updates.

    So rolling distros aren’t for me, everyone expects to run in to some occasional issues with Arch, but TW puts a lot of emphasis on testing and reliability, so I thought it might be for me. But the reality is I much prefer the release cycle and philosophy of Fedora, I think that strikes the best balance.

  • I find they’re a pain to use and I only have one out of social pressure, and privacy or not I’m constantly confused on why they’re so popular.

    I just use a throwaway account and have the rule of not putting in any data that I don’t want to be read - which is barely anything any way because I do all my computing on my Linux laptop. I figure if they’re collecting location data and recording me then they’re just associating it with “random guy x” because I’ve never given it anything else. I should look in to one of the de-Googled Android distributions but I have so little interest and energy in anything to do with it, if it could be made totally private I would still rarely use it.

  • You’re not the first person I’ve heard who said that so there must be something there. That’s not my experience however, I find that Reddit makes me angry these days, getting annoyed at all the low-effort, inconsiderate posting. Having a debate on Reddit is impossible I find because saying something that goes slightly against the hive-mind you’ll you’ll be passive-aggressively downvoted, which has a chilling effect on what people say. I like that Beehaw doesn’t have downvotes, especially on local communities. On Beehaw/Lemmy someone might argue with you but that’s at least better I think than the knee-jerk downvote-to-oblivion you get on Reddit.

    It’s true that a lot of people are more similar here than on Reddit. I’d argue that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The one-size-fits-all social network for everybody approach I think doesn’t work, it’s more natural to choose a group you fit in to and feel comfortable with (which is how things were on old style forums and message boards). What ever happens to Lemmy/Beehaw in the future, the main thing I hope for is to have plenty of choice of smaller forums which is what’s been lacking in the last decade or so.

  • Only issue is I recently opened another account because theyre leaving lemmy eventually and currently my posts dont federate and all my subscriptions are pending.

    Nothing’s concrete yet. I have accounts on several instances for their various advantages, but Beehaw is what I’ve settled on as my main “default” for now. The Subscribe Pending is a bug, I don’t think it affects your posts federating so they’re separate issues if that’s the case.