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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023

  • Why be a dick about it when you can just ignore them. Seems like they’re just trying to communicate in a way that’s generally experienced as nice.

    Like I get it, it’s easy to get annoyed at people trying to “make” you participate in an imaginary and kinda lame social behaviour… But like, being a dick on purpose probably does you more damage than them

    No one likes someone whose rude for the sake of being rude, or an edgelord, even being a contrarian just for the sake of it isn’t the greatest characteristic.

    Better to find a stable calm attitude that doesn’t require that… And if it’s a way to blow off steam, better to find ways that are more in your own domain of control, rather than having it controlled by an external trigger.

    Something to give thought to next time your driving jeep anyways.

  • Your argument isn’t coherent, as you’re attributing a single phenomena to being caused by a willful ignorance and the rose coloured glasses of forgetfulness or absent minded ignorance.

    Which is why you’re shifting goal posts to a position you believe is implied but is actually your own contradictory construction, and of your own making.

    Anyways I don’t think I’ll get anywhere with you, as you’re liable to such falsifications and implicit strawmanning.

    Have fun arguing with positions you’re making up for yourself. Strange hobby, but whatever. It probably keeps you occupied, so who am I to judge.

  • “It’d be a weird sort of person who doesn’t willfully ignore reality”

    No, that’s not anything that was actually said, or even the sentiment expressed.

    You are, very childish and immature in how you disscuss topics. It must create either great frustration for you, or fill your time.

    Good luck with whatever it is you’re seeking.

  • Unsurprisingly people don’t desire to revisit the bad aspects of the past… It would be a bit odd if someone was like:

    “wasn’t it great back when the internet took 92 times longer to load, and there was no youtube?”

    I mean, what kind of person are you imagening?

    “I miss having Gonerea”…

    …that’d be a weird kind of person no?

    It doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten those things.

  • I think they’re saying it’s punk rock to hate women and screw poor people over, whilst being racist and bigoted in every way possible.

    Aka it’s punk rock to have no idea about the history and political aspects of punk rock.

    …in fairness, Johnny “I do butter commercials now” Rotten agrees. Which gives “God ave the queen” a whole different quality.

  • Lots of companies will do this, eventually advertising the purity and the size of their human created training data.

    These will be the companies selling their content to AI companies, although some will probably just be scanned in illegally. Perhaps a new type of copy write lawsuit will have to be invented.

    Most people will continue to use these sites, aware their data is being used like this.

  • Start by dismantling the housing market. Make owning multiple investment properties illegal, initially give a “sale by” time ordered by the government, if it’s not met, the government bid must be accepted. That bid should initially be at the low end of the Market but as time goes on, and this opening move at dismantling Capitalism leaves the news cycle that bid should drop to half the market value.

    Make housing a right, drastically subsidizing the cost of home purchase on a sliding scale so it’s cheapest for the poorest.

    During this process, more and more people will have the government for a landlord. For these people offer rent-to-buy schemes, where the rent dollars are paying the mortgage price. Once an amount is paid, the renter gets the deed to the home.

    Soon all home sales would be done for people to use the actual properties being bought, and homelessness would be greatly reduced.

    I say all this because to dismantle Capitalism you need a feasible plan for all the sectors being targeted.

    But most of all you need this plan so you can demand your leftist party to take action on it. You need something to point to, and say THIS, this is what we want you to do. Saying “dismantle Capitalism” is not enough.

    …and in all honesty, you’ll most likely have to run for office, and create the party yourself if you want anything like this to happen.