archomrade [he/him]

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Hey if you find value in paying a subscription go nuts, I won’t throw shade

    but i used spotify for almost 15 years. Averaged out to $8 a month that’s more than $1400, and how much of that music do you think I own?

    You can do what you want with your money but I’m not paying another dime to subscription streamers. For discovery there’s still radio and youtube and ad-supported streamers, and I still find new artists at music festivals and local venue concerts all the time.

    Spotify is a solution in search of a problem.

  • Maybe it’s because my schema for torrents is dichotomous with licensed uses, but I’m having trouble wrapping my head around this.

    Is the distinction you’re making here between your proposed ‘licensed private tracker’ and something like a subscription-based catalogue (à la Audible) simply the way it’s distributed (in this case a centralized vs peer-to-peer)?

    I like the idea of distributed media networks, but I really doubt any copyright owner would go for a distribution network that they don’t have any level of control over. The idea of an ‘officially licensed private torrent tracker’ seems incompatible with how that industry works.

    I’d happily pay for an unlicensed private torrent tracker, though.

  • It’s not a matter of being ok with another country abusing their neighbors, nor is it about ‘letting them do what they want’, it’s about acknowledging the mutually assured destruction established during the cold war and having to reckon with the fact that there are other nations with the ability to end civilization that have other ambitions than you.

    Leftists get mocked a lot about their pie-in-the-sky economic goals, but at least they have an intimate understanding of international conflict and the reality of oppositional superpowers. Unlike sheltered american adolescents who’ve never left their country for more than a week and have been assured their entire life that the US is the most powerful and moral nation on earth.

    And that’s to say nothing about the fact that america is the antagonist to most other nations on the planet.

  • The existence of nukes takes direct military intervention off the table, full stop. Diplomacy is the only way unless a nuclear exchange is acceptable to you.

    The US is so privileged that they don’t realize that “just sit back and let it happen” is how the rest of the world has had to deal with them for the last 80 years, and now it’s unconscionable to think they have to ‘let it happen’ with a foreign adversary themselves

    I think the world would be better if every country had nukes and countries like Russia, Israel, and the US couldn’t simply steamroll every other country standing in their way.