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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • See what happens after actually running:

    systemctl hibernate

    Systems don’t normally enter hibernate automatically unless they are at low battery. There is something called modern standby or s0 sleep, versus traditional s3 sleep. The “third state” you describe sounds very much like s3 sleep. I doubt it would switch between s0 and s3 sleep though, normally one or the other is enabled. Maybe it’s going to hybrid suspend? In fact that would probably explain it. I believe hybrid suspend involves using s3 sleep state.

    Also there are no power relays in modern ATX PSUs to my knowledge, you are describing something else. They use transistors to do all of the switching I believe, aside from the physical switch on the back which also isn’t a power relay.

  • Depending on what battery protection modes are in play, many have smart charging or other features designed to prolong life. Also a fair few batteries come out with greater than design capacity from the factory. It’s called a design capacity and not an absolute capacity for a reason. A phone battery that left the factory at 110% could conceivably still be at or above 100%.

    Fyi it’s not overnight charging that’s the issue either, it’s charging to 100%. What one device consider 100% varies and devices will essentially lie to you about it. 4.2V is normally considered 100% full for Lithium Cobalt Oxide batteries yet some devices push higher than this while others skirt under to pad capacity and cycle life respectively. It’s about tradeoffs.

  • This isn’t actually true. They offer both glibc and musl these days. Glibc is the normal one most Linux distros use. Musl doesn’t work with some things, but is still desirable to some people for various reasons. Flatpak could be used to work around this, as it should pull in whatever libc that the program needs. Distrobox would also work. Though again this only applies of using the musl libc version.

    Another potential sore point is not using systemd init. There are some things dependant on systemd, though generally there are packages which act as a replacement for whatever systemd functionality is needed.

    I still have no idea what’s wrong with Voids fonts though. You are on your own there!

  • Why would learning how to fix a PC make you hate computing? If anything it makes you more confident in your ability to fix things if and when you break them. Likewise I don’t get what’s wrong with learning about Virtual Machines and emulators. PowerShell can’t be that bad lol.

    What it sounds like to me is you teaching your kids to think computing with Linux/FreeBSD is hard, and to hate using it. You’re also teaching them to hate you for putting unnecessary barriers in front of them doing normal things like using a smartphone. Having a smartphone is necessary for modern life, as it does everything from communicating with family, finding out information, banking and booking appointments, ordering a taxi or takeout. Gatekeeping that behind arbitrary things like learning shell and setting up a web server is fucking dumb.

    A taste of real things I’d want to give to help them connect their inner abstract idea of how the world works with actual material things. They will have that idea, I absolutely trust every person to develop that on their own without help. Without that they might not believe themselves when they should.

    I don’t even know what this is supposed to mean or how it’s related to the things you are asking them to do.

    I’ve said once that I want to give a taste of something. I was more general with things one can’t avoid, as in “one can’t avoid computers and the Internet”. And this was pretty clear from the context, either you are playing dumb or you want to defeat someone in an argument, in the latter case I don’t care because I see you are not doing that.

    Not it wasn’t clear at all, especially given the other nuts things you have said. You’re also not winning this argument, look at who’s getting downvotes here.

  • The shell used on most Linux is bash, a GNU project. Not a part of Research Unix. ZSH is newer than both Unix and BASH and is also not a part of Unix.

    They still can spend a few hours on something useful for life. I know hundreds of little things like this from various areas even less useful specifically for me. While this is useful for everyone, as we can see every day from normies not knowing how anything in computing works and getting scammed.

    None of this is going to stop someone getting scammed. You can have plenty of technical knowledge and still get scammed. I got scammed trying to sell a laptop for example. Teaching them how paypal works and to avoid using the friends and family option is much better for this purpose.

    This is about upbringing and introducing people to things they can’t avoid. Not about making them interested (but I’m almost confident that actually it will make a kid interested).

    You very much can avoid using a Unix-like shell. Your average Windows user has never used one, and neither do most macOS people even though it’s included with macOS. Likewise most people will never have to setup a web server.

    If you want to give people practical skills start with adblockers and how to reinstall Windows, macOS, and Linux Mint if it goes wrong. If you want to teach them command line skills, maybe start with CMD and PowerShell, since they are more likely to see those in real life than Solaris or FreeBSD. Heck your average person probably needs a Virtual Machine or an emulator more than a web server. Being able to pirate and play old Nintendo games or Play Station 1/2 is pretty cool. So is running Windows stuff on mac or Linux. Could save them buying another PC for that one software program. Likewise learning to work on desktop and laptop PCs can save them buying a new one every few years. Especially useful for PC gamers.

  • If I ever go as far in the relationship area as to have kids, they are not going to have anything Apple\Android until they can think for themselves.

    That’s actually not unreasonable. Getting kids using Open Source platforms which aren’t trying to manipulate or spy on them is good.

    That would be 12 years old or so at least, and before that they’d have to pass an exam (with me evaluating) on how to write simple Unix shell scripts, set up a web server, write simple SQL queries and, well, install and set up the system on which they are going to do this first. Non-computer parts would probably involve some media literacy and symbolic logic. And I think control theory would be required.

    What does any of that have to do with media literacy or using those devices? You are just being a curmudgeon, not everyone needs to be a systems administrator. Unix isn’t even used anymore. Linux and the BSDs are Unix-like, not actual Unix. What if your kids are physicists, chemists, or mathematicians? Are you going to say they aren’t good enough to use a fucking smartphone just because they don’t know specific things about a certain specific area of tech? How do you know SQL specifically will even be relevant then? NoSQL is already making headway.

    This isn’t how you get people into Open Source software or interested in technology. You can’t do it by forcing them to do things that are esoteric to the majority of people.