Andy B, - good first name for a tester
Andy B, - good first name for a tester
Did you just assume my species?
overhead style showerhead
I don’t understand… Where should the water come from? Below? From the sides?
Those are rookie numbers. Come back when your social media platform has lost 20 Billion.
I don’t think that adding capitalism to dictatorships improves anything though.
Communism/Capitalism/Socialism = Economic Ideas
Dictatorship/Monarchy/Democracy = Political Systems
… one human is responsable for managing/governing.
This is the definition of a dictatorship, not communism
Did you remember to override .Equals and .GetHashCode?
Is it weird if a lizard uses lizard skin armour?
I’m not an expert on the subject, but at least one of the calenders you’re thinking of is a Lunar calendar.
So not 365.242374 days but a variety of other synchronisation problems.
Quand je mange du poulet, je l’appelle poulet. Aile de poulet; pilons de poulet etc.
Quand je mange de l’agneau, je l’appelle agneau. Jarret d’agneau; côtelettes d’agneau.
Alors pourquoi est-ce que je ne mange pas de cochon ou de vache ? Je mange du porc ou du boeuf.
Quelle est la raison de ceci?
Indo-Pacific Oceanic Territorial Area Treaty Organization