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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 3rd, 2024


  • The problem I’m running into is attempting to create an image fresh from the yaml “treefile” and building on that. I think I know what they’re using but the documentation on how to reproduce the build isn’t great.

    I’d also like to isolate the build into containers, which makes the whole thing harder because the build process uses containers and loop devices.

    You might get up and running faster if you start from an existing atomic distro and layer packages on top. The ublue-os repos have an automated script that you could use as a reference.

  • Hell yeah! I’m on Bazzite, myself. I’m ok with KDE but might swap it out later. Did you rebase to get from Bazzite to Sway?

    I think the ostree stuff is really neat. Nix sounds like a great complement to it, I guess you can configure it to install to /var pretty easily? I think I’d prefer that to brew.

    I’ve been interested in ostree so much that I’m moving a few other things over to IoT. Building your own makes too much sense, updating layers is so slow. I’m trying to use rpm-ostree compose to make my own version of IoT but I am struggling to modify the containers it builds or turn them into ISOs. All of their tooling is needlessly complex.

  • I believe the “atomic” action is updating the kernel and all the base packages together such that either the whole thing succeeds or the existing system is unchanged. If the system update is atomic, you cannot be stuck in a partially updated state with new versions of some packages and previous versions of others. Naturally something like that lends itself to making rollbacks easier if it does break, much easier than trying to undo an update on a more traditional distro where they do the update in place.

  • Debian is a great choice. I’m on Debian and it is solid.

    I do have one I like better: I’m transitioning to Fedora IoT from Debian for my homelab stuff. I like using their atomic desktop distros, I want to understand them better, and it seems like a great combination of recent kernel and system stability.

  • Oh shit, he was already convicted? Did his lawyers forget to jam up the court with bullshit paperwork and delays so that the trail takes months to complete?

    I had no idea any trial was going on because I didn’t get daily news about Hunter urging a cult of brainlets to target court staff, court family members, and the jury with threats and harassment.

    Are we supposed to sob about perverting the justice system over politics and screech about starting a civil war now? I didn’t realize the verdict would be so soon, I’ve got other stuff to do this week.