Music lover and English teacher with an interest in slightly geeky things

mastodon / blog / listenbrainz

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • An old friend of mine that I’ve lost touch with is Chinese. They lived in Europe for a number of years. When they couldn’t get a new job their visa ran out and the went back home.

    No problem getting a job. They had a place to live. Things were good.

    But… When they left Europe they basically told their roommate, a student who was about 10 years their younger, that they were leaving and that’s it. They abandoned the apartment. This left not only rent up to the student, but also the €300 fee of changing the name on the rental contract.

    If a police investigation is launched against someone in China, you can be damned sure they will turn up something. If this influencer ever saw a doobie they will find out, and if they never did drugs they will find an acquaintance who did.

    I say this because one day when my friend left work there was a car waiting. It was the father of her roommate. Turns out he was a “special” police officer. He told them to get in and gave her a folder. The folder had photos of them, their friends, even me. There were notes on the friends, SMS and social media exchanges. This included references to drugs. He took them to a bank, told them to take out the equivalent of €900 (he had their bank statements already) or their family would hear about this…and then he left them there on the street.

  • Strawberry if I had to have something visual with buttons.

    cmus right now because it loads my rather large library in a split second. mpd works great as well.

    More important than the player for me is sorting, though. Beets is my saviour. I could never sort the 5 or 6 albums I get by hand and tag them by hand.

    I used to like deadbeef as well, quod libet is great. There really is something for everyone when it comes to something for music. If only there were as many great email clients.

  • It is possible that your posts/comments were reported and the mods and admins made a decision based on those reports. This post is a little dramatic, but it à propos. I am not that active on the fediverse, but I have found myself banned for odd reasons in different corners. Example: I was accused of French-bashing. I was not. I live in France and I think it is awesome here. I sing the praises of France everywhere I roam. The person who accused me of French-bashing is Irish. I took my ban/block on the chin and reminded myself that the fediverse is not supposed to be a Twitter/Reddit clone.

    It is a good thing to ask, though, and keep the hope alive. Communities are built inch-by-inch, not step-by-step.

  • I only just picked one up a week or two ago. I was always a Nintendo person… Then an ex wanted to get an Xbox 360 to play Rock Band or something so I was stuck with that for a bit, then my partner wanted a PS4 to play Crash Bandicoot when it was only on PS4 so I’ve had that for years. I was completely ignorant to the ease of the Switch. Underpowered? Whatever! It is quiet, it is small, and that OLED screen is gorgeous.

    The sun is setting for the Switch, but at least I’ll get to experience it before it is fully retired.

  • I have a friend / colleague who was a bit like this. It is a “see it to believe” situation. For her it was when she was at work and she watched her mouse stat moving on its own.

    When she thought about how she never did anything bad on her work computer, but sometimes accessed her personal email… She got it.

    And now she pays closer attention to things. Like in our city you’re pinged via WiFi when you get on a bus, but you can opt-out or jut turn of your WiFi, so she does that. And she makes email aliases now too. Nothing too serious, mind you, but she is 50 and figuring this out on her own and then teaching her friends and colleagues about it which is way better than going down the rabbit hole. Now there’s a bunch of boomers refusing to use Teams or access work email on their personal devices because she explained that they do have things to hide: the names and ages of their children and grandchildren, where they go for drinks after work, what they watch on YT, etc.

    I don’t get into it with people though. People just write me off as some nerd, which is not the case.