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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 11th, 2024


  • they use the Chinese numbers in official declarations because you know its official.

    they made it attractive because they needed something too keep saying that the economy was following the Chinese communist party GDP growth goals you seem to forget that everyday people used property as investment and now there investment is worthless. but hey maybe you just want to wave this away under its just there greedy capitalists.

    its a dictatorship thing. making your economy look better then what it actually is.

  • where do you think these economists get there numbers?. its almost like they get them from the Chinese government. its like giving yourself good grades. that’s why there are these round about ways to try and find out what the real numbers are because you know dictatorships are not that transparent about how they get there numbers. they overbuild all infrastructure not just property that’s just one big example these firms could only do this because the Chinese government incentivized it with cheap loans that’s why these firms could even get these big debs in the first place. the bubble only burst once they put in rules to stop them from creating so much debt. the property marked became the stock market because the Chinese stock marked was so volatile that was the incentive to speculate for normal people.


  • why are you even saying this. this all started with you saying hey nobody ever called me a bigot so that must mean wink nod wink nod if people on the internet call you that then you must be one because nobody called me that on the internet. then i said then you must have never used the interned properly because anybody can call you anything on the internet this means nothing. then you tried to show how well you know how too use the internet by saying that you used reddit for a decade and i made fun of you for that because reddit is very serious business with it being the front page of the internet and all. yes redditors are not funny at all. and you have just shown you actually do think its very serious business just look at what you are saying. that is the funniest part you are showing what i said in real time while saying I’m not a very serious anything and seriously asking Anything else about me you’d like to lie about? thank you this was very entertaining.