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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024

  • I feel like this quote from the BBC article is the bigger story:

    According to Israeli media, neither Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor the defence minister Yoav Gallant were aware of plans for a pause before they were announced. Mr Netanyahu’s office reportedly said the prime minister had told his military secretary that the plan was “unacceptable” after hearing about it on Sunday. He has also reportedly been told that there has been no change to the IDF’s policy and that the fighting in Rafah “continues as planned”. Israel’s far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said the decision to pause fighting had been made by a “fool” who was “evil”.

  • It’s a little worse than mismanagement:

    Mao decreed that efforts to multiply grain yields and bring industry to the countryside should be increased. Local officials were fearful of Anti-Rightist Campaigns and they competed to fulfill or over-fulfill quotas which were based on Mao’s exaggerated claims, collecting non-existent “surpluses” and leaving farmers to starve to death. Higher officials did not dare to report the economic disaster which was being caused by these policies, and national officials, blaming bad weather for the decline in food output, took little or no action.

    The government took what food there was from the farmers because they were trying to swing their dicks around and impress the boss. It’s like the Irish potato famine, but with rice.

  • That link doesn’t work; I’ll assume it says that he was denied asylum because he committed fraud against an Australian citizen. This doesn’t really provide evidence that his claims of being a spy are false, only that he committed fraud in Australia. It’s definitely a point against his character, but not evidence that he lied about being a spy.

    Since you aren’t interested in being skeptical of your sources and jumped on the first thing that seemed to match the narrative you were pushing I found some evidence for you. Oddly enough there’s an entire Wikipedia article about him that goes into pretty significant detail about why his claims of being a high level spy are probably false.

    It’s odd that you didn’t see the Wikipedia article, I’m sure you have access to Wikipedia in your country don’t you?

  • I use it for exactly the same thing.

    I used to spend hours agonizing over documenting things because I couldn’t get the tone right, or in over explained, or some other stupid shit.

    Now I give my llamafile the code, it gives me a reasonable set of documentation, I edit the documentation because the LLM isn’t perfect, and I’m done in 10 minutes.

  • bobburger@fedia.iotoMemes@lemmy.mlclass war
    3 months ago

    You can’t deduct your mortgage from your taxes, only the interest. And only on mortgages related to your first or second home. From irs.gov

    This part explains what you can deduct as home mortgage interest. It includes discussions on points and how to report deductible interest on your tax return.

    Generally, home mortgage interest is any interest you pay on a loan secured by your home (main home or a second home). The loan may be a mortgage to buy your home, or a second mortgage.

  • I like to imagine this was thought up by some ambitious product manager who enthusiastically pitched this idea during their first week on the job.

    Then they carefully and meticulously implemented their plan over 3 years, always promising the executives it would be a huge pay off. Then the product manager saw the writing on the wall that this project was gonna fail. Then they bailed while they could and got a better position at a different company.

    The new product manager overseeing this project didn’t care about it at all. New PM said fuck it and shipped the exploit before it was ready so the team could focus their work on a new project that would make new PM look good.

    The new project will be ready in just 6-12 months, and it is totally going to disrupt the industry!

  • I’m sure your little club is just big enough to get Donald Trump elected, that’s how margins work.

    Unfortunately for you there a magnitudes more voters that would be alienated by your fringe politics, so most elected officials aren’t going to give your ideas priority. To think otherwise is the attitude of a petulant child that wants a happy meal when the rest of the family wants to go to sushi.

    Despite all that I think you’ve convinced me. The best way to stop the genocide in Gaza now, in March of 2024, is to make sure that the Zionist, single state solution, ban on Palestinian immigration candidate gets elected to be our president in from 2025 through 2029. That will definitely teach those damn establishment Democrats to listen to us, and will 100% improve the lives of the people in Gaza and the west bank. I’m sure that Trump is just joking about immigrants tainting the blood of America. He’s surely not serious about project 2025, or enacting a nation wide abortion ban after 6 weeks. We have to get this guy elected in November to stop the genocide today.

  • Lol I love this take.

    Normal people:

    Donald Trump getting elected will be bad for labor rights, abortion rights, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, among a ton of other freedoms. I should do the simple thing and vote for Joe Biden even though I disagree with some of his policies and he hasn’t taken a strong enough stance on others that I support. I understand he has to compromise and can’t tailor his policies exactly to my niche beliefs. Even if I don’t vote, Biden or Trump will be president; I should vote for the one that will at least do some of the things I support.

    The brave freedom fighters on Lemmy with a spine:

    Joe Biden isn’t catering to me and my friends, I’m not voting for that capitalist neo liberal pig Joe Biden. Surely the Democrats will call me next time they nominate a candidate, after all we should be catered too even though we’re an extremely small community.