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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 10th, 2023


  • The answer is nearly always Natural Fibres for two reasons:

    • environmental - synthetic products do not degrade. Why wear something that literally microplastics everywhere you go and then gets thrown in a landfill at end of its use.
    • comfort - breathability is the key criteria for clothing. Polyester and synthetic fabrics are nearly all terrible at this compared to natural fibres.

    Merino wool is one of the best products, especially for warmth. You don’t have to pay Ice Breaker money, although it is becoming harder to find at affordable prices.

    Linen is also a great fabric for warmer climates. Couldn’t imagine a polyester t-shirt, let alone underwear, if I lived somewhere hot.

  • Well there is a clear evolutionary advantage to being wary of ‘difference’ and you can see that behaviour in nearly every species. Yes, even fluffy puppy dogs.

    Human society is the one exception. We have beaten mother nature in the natural world (hunger, warmth and shelter) and now we are focussing on the primordial mother nature within us. Where we cant directly fix a physical or genetic weakness, we reprogramme ourselves (via society) to normalise and accept differences amongst us.

    Attitudes to Rudolph show how much we have changed in recent years.

  • Very well made and researched. Very engaging. My favourite is the Blueprint for Armageddon as it covers more recent history which I personally find more relatable, and therefore more powerful, than the other topics. I would love a WW2 series. His arguement is that it is already very well documented from other sources, but I think Dan could really do it justice. zooming in on a specific part of the conflict would be great.