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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I got as far as the second paragraph, which consists of the following quote from a Google VP:

    “I’m not going to talk about Recall, but I think the reason that some people feel it’s creepy is when it doesn’t feel useful, and it doesn’t feel like something they initiated or that they get a clear benefit from it”

    That’s somehow worse than I imagined. I can at least understand being intentionally sinister, or overtly anti-privacy, but that level of delusion is somehow actually more terrifying.

  • lol.

    Just search for Purism customer support experiences.

    I’m honestly amazed there hasn’t been a fraud, or some other consumer protection type criminal investigation.

    All that baggage, and their hardware is also laughably outdated and overpriced.

    Which is unfortunate, because the concept is amazing and clearly there’s a sizable market for it.

    Here is an example of just ONE flavor of Purism customer experiences:

    Announce current gen hardware and current pricing.

    Customer pays

    Customer receives hardware 5 years later, after being told approx. 362 times that cancellation refunds are down, or unable to be processed.

    Customer tries to immediately return the 5 year old laptop that was just delivered and is told “No Returns”

    There are other variations that you can read about on various forums.

  • You’re technically correct, but only because the DNC drinks from the same neoliberal Kool Aid. The apparatus is now mostly run from their bloated privatized consultant class (campaign consultants, media firms, polling outfits, etc.).

    Of which, I’m sorry to say, I have spent time both employed by personally, as well as many years in close proximity to, outside of my own direct professional engagement.

    I love how, on Lemmy, you think that it’s more likely that I’m actually a deep cover foreign asset, then a citizen who’s happened to have worked in the disgustingly large multi-billion dollar campaign industry.

    But please, tell me more about how your intimate knowledge of our body politic is more nuanced and insightful then mine.

    You call me angry and disgruntled, but your political philosophy is “I’ll compromise on literally anything, as long as I’m told it’s for the greater good”.

    Trump would be awful, but he’s not the end of the line of awful candidates and I’d rather take my chances with a DNC that is responsive to it’s base, and not it’s donors. That can’t happen unless they fear their base will pull support, which is why they’ve trained them to always compromise.

    Isn’t it funny though, that the compromise only works in one direction: to the right and for the benefit of the donor class.

  • What super secret strategy? I’ve laid out my very simple belief on the matter, repeatedly, and on a public forum.

    If my vote isn’t a big deal, than why are you devoting so much time trying to convince me otherwise?

    I never said don’t vote. I’ve said I won’t support the establishment DNC, or Biden, but that I will continue to support progressive/left candidates who would be beholden to voters, and not special interests/machine politics.

    Compromise to what end? That is what you’re not understanding. When in the last 30 years has that not lead to us being worse off?

    I get it, you’re happy to manage our decline into a full blown neoliberal gilded age 2.0 hellscape, on the off chance that it helps to staves off full blown fascism. I’m not judging you for making that choice, but I do disagree with it.

    I don’t see how the unending shifting of the Democratic party to the right, just to remain slightly to the left the GOP, doesn’t end up with the exact situation you’re trying to fend off.

    So, as I said, I’m going to use the only voice I have, my vote, to support the only viable path that might prevent the outcome that you claim you’re trying to avoid, but really, are just easing into a bit more gently.

  • I’m guessing you would have/did vote for him though. Good luck with your strategy of not even playing the same game

    …what? No, seriously, I’m usually pretty good at deciphering gibberish, but I think I need some clarification here…

    I understand the part where you’re calling me a Bernie voter, and intending that as insult.

    But I’m not clear on the part about me not playing the same game as a sitting senator, and former presidential candidate… because of course I’m not…

    Am I supposed to be? If so, how?

  • https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/01/23/biden-primaries-unchallenged/

    Yes, they effectively rigged the Presidential primary this cycle for Biden. It wasn’t really a secret, was widely covered, and if you aren’t aware of that, I don’t think you’re informed enough to even have this conversation.

    I genuinely don’t care if you believe me. It wasn’t an appeal to authority to get you to change your mind. It was in response to your patronizing “I used to be like you” schtick.

    I never said don’t vote, not once. I haven’t even appealed to others to follow my lead in not supporting Biden.

    I have laid out some of my reasons for not supporting Biden, and that is what you find so offensive.

    “The lesser of two evils” game will never end. That is the fire, that is how we got Trump in the first place. Continuing to breath life into the existing DNC isn’t going to put it out, it’s just going to fan the flames.

    Wake up and smell smoke.

  • You mean vote in the Presidential primary that the DNC cancelled this year?

    Or did you mean, ignore that they cancelled it, and just vote for Biden like a good little lemming?

    Don’t be so hysterical. Trump is bad, and I’m under no illusion what another term of his would be like, but he’s far too stupid and petty to “end democracy”, the Democrats are doing fine at doing that themselves.

    I’m not some young radical. I’ve been through many cycles, and I’ve worked on more campaigns then most of people have voted in.

    And yes, I’ve worked inside the DNC apparatus and been around contemporary Democratic machine politics nearly my entire life. I have a pretty good idea of what these people are like, because I’ve known a whole lot of them.

  • Vote for whoever you want.

    My responses were directed at people commenting, unprompted, about how anyone who doesn’t support Biden, or buy into his campaign messaging, are either closeted Trump supporters, tankies, or (my personal favorite) foreign socket puppet accounts i.e. Russian bots.

    Because obviously they can’t be lifelong Democrats who are fed up with current Democratic establishment and see the threat they pose if left unchanged - precisely because we NEED an actual strong leftwing workers party to stand against the GOP.

    So, again, you do whatever your conscience tells you.

    If your comfortable with a Democratic party that is already fully run by neoliberals, crushes leftists, and only moves further to the right each election, then keep supporting them. That’s on you.

    Myself, I am going to see which option the Democrats are MOST concerned with i.e. uncommitted vs blank vs a specific 3rd party candidate.

    I will also continue to support most of my local and statewide progressive candidates, because I do care, and I’m not whatever fantasy the Biden supporters have concocted so they can dismiss people like me without giving these idea any real thought.