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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • You just happen to be conflating hard limitations of a physical substance with arbitrary soft limitations. Of course you cant replace chips with sand despite both having a % of silicon. Those are entirely different things.

    Wine and gasoline aren’t the same thing at all, they just happen to have one common element in their composition.

    The iPad and a computer ARE the same thing. The label is something the brand puts on, it is not an hard limitation of the universe.

    I personally don’t care if IKEA says that their bedroom furniture is for the bedroom. If I decide to use it as living room furniture I can and IKEA should not have a say, however they probably would if they could.

    Brands like to have that weird control when they can, generally not in worries we’re doing something weird with stuff but for some strategic benefit, such as not cannibalising sales of something else.

    If IKEA could bind pieces of furniture to types of room, you’d be more likely to have to buy more furniture over your lifetime. It would also maybe prevent them from having to comply with some regulation with the “our furniture is not furniture, is an… habitational support”! argument.

  • They partially solve the fuel and the bad air problems. In exchange they damage roads way more (I recall reading that the damage is proportional to the vehicle weight to the fourth power, probably with some more nuance) and that also creates substantially more rubber micro particle pollution. They also happen to be more dangerous in the event of a crash. Plus the additional challenges with grid load, which some people dismiss with silly ideas like having said cars act like load balancers (that would be a mess to scale).

    In most cases, EVs are not a solution to mobility, they are a solution to save the car industry from real solutions to climate change, namely spamming trams, trains and buses (in sparse locations) all over the place.

  • The kind of rhetoric that you should be able to say anything you want consequence-free flies well in the US. Not so well anywhere else. If you praise the Nazis in most of Europe you get in trouble, especially in Germany. I don’t quite see how it would be different in South Korea.

    People should be able to declare some speech as dangerous speech, because it does way more harm for society than good. The usual problem is that sometimes people try to do this with speech that is not dangerous. Dangerous is very subjective and there should be no such thing as the Ministry of Dangerous Speech.; but if 99% of people agree to something, well, it is a bit less likely that the “dangerous speech” is just an autocracy of the masses. If you disagree so profoundly with 99% of the people around you, then maybe there’s some other society more fit for your views.

  • Can you source that? Cuz there’s plenty of evidence about most of the West Bank being segregated to the point of Palestinians not being allowed to use streets that everyone (Israelis, tourists) can, Palestinians being forced to live in slums covered in nets to prevent debris from Israelis to hit them, Palestinian houses outside of Israel being demolished whenever Israel feels like it.

    I don’t even know about Gaza. All of this was a mess way before the Hamas attack. Not too long ago, there was a visit from an American journalist with Palestinian parents to west Bank cities, to test waters. She was guided by Israelis who denounced the Israeli government. They were literally doing nothing, yet the moment they set foot in the West Bank they were raided and bullied by the IDF. It is reported that this is a thing that has been happening to literally every Palestinian. They had to be let go since they were not Palestinians and toured one of the major west Bank cities to show what it looks like in there. It gets stupid to the point that Palestinians who live next to the whole lot of checkpoints can’t have visits at home since checkpoints do not allow for anything but to pass from one zone of the city to another, not to houses next to them. It was a very heartbreaking thing to see, the whole tour.

    Add those living conditions to a lack of education and one can very well understand why they voted for someone that promises them to get rid of their aggressor, even if that someone is a terrorist organisation. They know no better, all they have seen in their lifes has been bullying and hell on earth.

  • Simple reason being that there’s no notoriously good OS for Samsung phones.

    Graphene is highly focused on not being annoying while keeping privacy intact. You can, for example, have Google Play Services, within a sandbox. Everything can be denied network access, or any access really, on a per app basis.

    It also relies on Google’s security chip to keep the chain of trust intact. The boot sequence and your private keys are kept intact that way. Not everyone documents and opens their hardware as well as Google. Samsung is notoriously terrible and full of it when it comes to allowing you to do your own thing.