• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Wait for the distro to officially release an upgrade path. Only do a fresh install if it doesn’t work.

    On Windows however whenever I would get a new pc in which I was prepping for staff(I worked in IT) the first thing I’d do after unboxing it is a wipe of the factory Windows install and do a clean install with the latest ISO from Microsoft.

    No bloatware, network managers, anti virus etc nonsense. We had all of our own stuff for that which applied via Group Policy anyway.

  • Gnome Foundation likes to think of themselves as the pioneer in DE’s and the default choice for Linux. Which was true for a long time. Cinnamon and Mate run Gnome, for example. I’m not sure about XFCE.

    If you’re THE leading DE project at least try to accommodate those DE’s that depend on your code or meet with them to inform them well in advance and discuss the best options for those DE’s.

    In other words, work together for the good of all users instead of doing your own little thing in the corner and leave the others to deal with the mess you made…

  • To quote Clem, head of Linux Mint: “At a time where GNOME applications are less and less designed to work anywhere else than in GNOME, a project like XApp is extremely important.”

    Libaidwata breaks backward compatibility with older gnome versions and amongst other things doesn’t allow theming natively, so the Cinnamon team are going to have to fork off and maintain the older code which works so they can continue to have theming and stuff with Gnome apps.

    Gnome seem to like doing the opposite of the Linux philosophy which says interoperability should always be a priority so that the code can be shared as freely as possible.

    I can’t tell whether they are stupid or lazy over at Gnome. It’s not enough to strip the DE down to nothing but now even the code that worked with previous, gnome still widely used, is being dumped.

    They are a little island unto themselves.

  • I saw a documentary recently where they show how virtually all the worlds brands are owned by BlackRock as the largest shareholder.

    BlackRock has 4 major shareholders: Rothschild’s, Du Pont, Rockefeller and one other I forgot. Rothschild’s holds the larger share.

    The same Rothschilds who boast about creating the state of Israel.

    Whatever you use, Apple, Google, Coke, Pepsi, Amazon, Boeing, Airbus, whichever car you can name, they basically own it. And all your money goes to them.

    It’s near impossible to escape their grasp. So don’t waste your time unless you self host at home or find truly independent alternatives.


  • Exactly. It should say “lease” instead of “buy” or just “price” .

    They know that too but you know why they don’t use “lease”? They would have WAY less sales. Almost no one would click that.

    So they use “buy”/“price” to make you think you own it, and then think they are clever when they define it as “buying a licence” in the Terms.

    That’s plain and sneaky so I don’t feel sorry for them when people pirate stuff.

    I wish every dev had the option of “go to my website and buy this from me with an eternal licence included” as well as the option to lease it from the Play Store.

    Same goes for music and movies.